Pc restarts while playing games, on a new PSU.


Apr 17, 2016
Hello, 2 days ago I built my PC. Yesterday it started shutting down while playing any games for about 10-30min. Specs:
I5 6400
NZXT Phantom Case
16Gb ddr4 hyperx fury 2133mhz
Asus STRIX GTX 960 4gb
Msi B150A Gaming pro MOBO
ssd and two hard drives
EVGA 500w PSU- this psu should be perfect for my build.
I saw that this happened to many people while playing on max settings.
sorry for bad english.
Thanks for any help.
i guarantee a faulty psu as it happens & psu are mas produced so it happens from time to time the way of life when things are built in 3 world countries or places like china it happens get ur warranty or borrow a psu to make sure but i be certain it be a faulty psu i seen it first hand
What is the Temprature you are getting with your CPU while playing games? It should be under 70c.
Also, It can be a Virus or malware causing the problem. You can download Avast Antivirus for scanning Viruses. And MalwareBytes Anti-Malware for removing any malware in your computer. After doing that make sure all the drivers are up to date.

Ah can you please correct your sentence bro. It neither makes any sense nor is relevent. I recommend if you cant speak english properly then better not give suggestions.
aftermarket anti virus is crap use the proper anti virus built into ur OS i only use windows defender its the best for removing & detecting malware or virus & its free out preforms any companies like advast or nortan as the aftermarket programs embeds crapware that forces u to refresh ur set up even run free cc cleaner for registry cleaning best program around with windows defender i been running both for many years no issues no virus no malware
Okay I got your point regarding Anti-virus but still cant get what you are trying to say about PSU. EVGA PSUs are not that bad in my opinion, for a 200-300W consuming rig, its definitely fine. So, PSU cant be a problem. Even if it is a damaged PSU, then he can easily get it returned if he bought it from some online store. Otherwise he can just send it for RMA.
i guarantee a faulty psu as it happens & psu are mas produced so it happens from time to time the way of life when things are built in 3 world countries or places like china it happens get ur warranty or borrow a psu to make sure but i be certain it be a faulty psu i seen it first hand

Cpu Temps are under 50°C. Gpu is about 50°C. It's not a virus, because it happened even when i wasnt connected to internet, before setting up internet drivers. All of drivers should be up to date, i will check.

First we will confirm with Software options then get to the PSU testing. It wont be good thing if he sends it for RMA and gets the same product returned saying that the product is perfectly fine.