[SOLVED] PC running slow after windows 10 1809


PC running slow(not as snappy as it was before) after sudden windows 10 1809 update from 1803. It took 2hours to install and PC runs slower after that. Should I reinstall or just uninstall the chipset and video drivers and try again. ram usage was also higher than before.
EDIT: Just Noticed that windows startup slowed down to 23 seconds. Previously it took 12 seconds on my 860 Evo
Well, first thing I'd say looking at your specs, is get some faster ram. Specially with a 2400g, you will get a shed load more performance. 2400mhz ram is too low for your CPU, and your Vega iGPU will really thank you for getting 3000+mhz ram. Look into it.

Use something like HWMon/info and monitor your system at idle and take a screeenshot and post it.

In the speed of the system (snapiness), open taskmanager and look at disk usage. If the usage is high at startup, its likely you have a few programs/apps running at startup, which may prolong that process. Try disabling some of those.

After a Windows update, it's always advisable to check your mobo manufacturers website for new updates and install as necessary. This will always help...

Yup, it was stuck on 75% for two hours even on a 200Mbps connection. I am reinstalling he GPU and Chipset drivers now, but I doubt it will solve any issues.

Well, first thing I'd say looking at your specs, is get some faster ram. Specially with a 2400g, you will get a shed load more performance. 2400mhz ram is too low for your CPU, and your Vega iGPU will really thank you for getting 3000+mhz ram. Look into it.

Use something like HWMon/info and monitor your system at idle and take a screeenshot and post it.

In the speed of the system (snapiness), open taskmanager and look at disk usage. If the usage is high at startup, its likely you have a few programs/apps running at startup, which may prolong that process. Try disabling some of those.

After a Windows update, it's always advisable to check your mobo manufacturers website for new updates and install as necessary. This will always help.

You can run some benchmarks and compare the results to others using the same CPU and system components. Try userbench, you can download and run it here: https://www.userbenchmark.com/ and compare to other systems.

Try updating your bios too along with the AMD CPU/GPU chipset drivers. Let us know how you get on.


No such thing exists. SSD has already 191 gb free plus 23.29 gb of unallocated for OP