PC setup with the build within the budget of £800


Aug 14, 2016
Hello there, I would like to hear any pieces of advice from the community on my build guides for my first "Christmas" PC build (setup). The components I'm not too sure about are monitor, PSU and RAM. I don't know why the prices of RAM went from £60 to £99 and I would only like to ask is the price going to come down or will it stay up until next year? Or could anyone recommend anywhere where I could get them cheaper? There are 2 different PSUs which I got recommended, but I have absolutely no idea which one would be enough for me or which one should I consider more if possible. The first recommendation is CX 450M bronze+ and Seasonic 450W gold+, btw they are both semi-modular. And any thoughts on the monitor? I don't know much about them but just so you know I would like to fit into £800 - £810.


not financially dude , if your local dealers give you price cuts for christmas then go for it , curry's pc right ? but AMd's zen cpu's are coming out in january , a little while after the christmas

Well, no there are no discounts really I would say during Christmas. I would only like to build myself a PC. Why would I wait for some AMD CPUs if they will not be worth the money as all the rest of AMD CPUs? I was asking for any comments for the parts I have chosen to put into my build but you started to comment on something absolutely out of topic. The AMDs new CPUs haven't came out yet and anyway who cares?

1. Probably, the RAM was on discount so now it's hooked to its usual price. Go for the Kingston. There isn't much difference in terms of quality. You won't even notice that extra speed in real time.

Most RAM fluctuate around this price range unless you're looking for a specific design. There are cheaper ones on Amazon but I doubt it will ship to UK.

2. Go for the Seasonic PSU, it's a bit better than the CX 450M.

3. The monitor is ok for a casual user and it's cheap.

4. If you really want Windows 10, get the Pro version.

With the Home version, you can't disable automatic updates which is very annoying atleast for me especially when gaming online. If you have a fast internet connection, you can afford letting Windows take your internet speed while you play. If the Pro version is expensive, get Windows 7, it's still a rocking OS.


Thank you so much, this is pretty much what I was looking for as an answer. I also have a couple of questions if you don't mind. Do you think that the monitor would be also good for graphics or should I spend £20-£50 more for a better monitor? Well, I have absolutely no idea about the PSU so I will have to rely on your suggestion even if I think it would be better to go for the cheaper CX 450M PSU because of the price and the small difference which I don't understand too. Do you also have any experience with MB? Which one should I go for H170 or H110? Well I would like to make my build be worth those £810 max so...
Just confirm what is your total budget. From what I understand, you want to build a tower under 800 euro and the rest on OS and monitor + keyboard. I maybe wrong, correct me if needed.
You still haven't told me your budget. Well, your build has some "expensive" parts which are not required with your budget that I'm assuming is. Just goddamn confirm your budget for the tower and I'll see if it's worth the money invested.