Well there is no tingling when I’m touching it,I’m pretty sure it just shocked me once this morning when I went to turn it on but that’s about it, it’s weird because this is the first time it’s ever done this.No lie I’m not sure if it was even a shock,I just heard a noise as I was touching it and felt a feeling but it could’ve been just the feeling of me touching the case, but just to make sure It can’t cause damage right?Is it a continuous tingling when you're touching it, or just a single shock when you first touch it?
Alright so one shock shouldn’t do any damage right?I feel like if the pc is grounded to the outlet then I shouldn’t be getting shocked unless I’m wrong.Do you find static electricity is worse in your basement? Air could be a but cooler and/or dryer, or maybe you have thick carpet down there, etc.
I used to live somewhere where static electricity was really bad, and when I shocked my PC it would sometimes reboot or blue screen. I'm not sure any lasting damage was being caused, but I started grounding myself before touching my PC. Just touch something grounded nearby. A screw on a light switch/outlet, a metal lamp, your monitor stand (if it's metal), etc.
How do I know if I did?I still am in the replacement/return windowI very much doubt you did any damage. Not much you could do about now even if you did.
It can't hurt to double check that the outlet is grounded, but even if it is you can still get shocked. You build up a static charge as you move around, then you discharge when you touch your conductive case.
What is considered unusual behaviorIf you're really concerned you could run some stability tests to make sure everything is still stable. This article has details on how you can stability test your memory and CPU: https://forums.tomshardware.com/faq/cpu-overclocking-guide-and-tutorial-for-beginners.3347428/
For you GPU, just run some graphics benchmarks, or just game for a while and look for any graphical artifacts or crashes.
But like I said, I wouldn't be worried. I'd just continue to use your PC normally while maybe keeping an eye out for any unusual behaviour.
Crashes, hanging, blue screens, etc.What is considered unusual behavior