PC shuts down after 5 seconds no beeps


Jul 29, 2010
Pc specs

AMD phenom 555 BE

Motherboard 880gmh-le/usb3

750 watt Psu

18 month old Pc had the same problem 14 months ago twice when it was under warranty one morning went to turn it on.And would not start unplugged it from mains plugged it in and it started it self and shutdown 5 seconds later had to send it back twice.1st time reason was bad RAM(so i was told) 2nd time was told nothing was wrong and it posted to windows when it arrvied.

Got it back upgraded PSU / heatsink /case/all cords

only using same motherboard / cpu /hard drive

Ran for 12 months fine beside faulty RAM that blue screened once a week replaced never missed a beat)Cleaned the dust out of it yesterday(like i do once a month)and the same problem starts.When i plug it to power turn the swicth on PSU to I from O it starts itself for 5 seconds then shutsdown no beeps every fan /light/harddrive spining and working in that time.Making me unplug it from the mains or remove cord from PSU before i can power up again,then just starts itself up again and stopping 5 seconds later.


Tested RAM 1 stick at a time(Tested RAM spares i had that would bluescreen once a week)
Changed and tested 3 different PSU(like i said problem had happen before i brought a new PSU or 2)
Tested with and without a video card
Tested with harddrive unpluged
Tested using my reset swicth as power button(but as its powering up itself did nothing)
Tested/claened Thrermal paste added new paste - reseated heatsink
Tested cleaning mobo and every spec of dust off.
Looked for shorts + checked standoffs

All lead back to the same results plug it to mains power it starts up by itself for 5 seconds then powers down making you unplug/swicth off at the main before you can try again.Have odered a new asus 970 extreame as i think the mobo is to blame when it was running if you unpluged from the mians or had a blackout cmos time and settings would reset making me think it was the mobo this time more then ever.
Do you agree or see anything else i should try / do

thanks heaps!

toothbrush and blowing with my lungs the dust from my 2 intake 2 out take fans once unscrewing them also any dust left around where my in take fans suck in with a toothbrush lol even using a $2 grounding strap :??:

Pc is like my baby.know every lead / cord /wire like the back of my hand i've pulled it down and rebuilt it atleast 50 times to clean / upgrade / fix it.1st PC i've built from ground up.Hurts me not knowing whats wrong when i had a fair idea about everything that could and would go wrong and how to fix it. 🙁

No bent pins all seems well,reseated it and put some more paste on after i removed 2032 3 volt bois battery will replace with a new one and try starting.

still think the problem evolves around bois resetting when ever you unplugged from the mains.Also now the problem started whenever you add power it starts it self up if PSU swicth is on - add power when PSU swicth is 0 does nothing turn swicth to - it starts up,have unhooked start button on case still starts and shuts down on its own once.If I remove all RAM it will start it will beep and shutdown after 5 seconds half way though a beep some times so making no differance.

I have 3 PSU i can use stock 400watt that come with it light power thermalatake 650 watt thermaltake though power 750 watt all 3 do the same thing

Edit.. Same out come add power it starts itself up and shuts down 3-5 seconds later
How do i check?look for opened capacitors or oil / smell oil?have done so,cant see anything.

Seems strange the same problem 3 times.Very 1st time could remove RAM and it would stay on but beeping still starting and stopping the same way unless it had no RAM.RAM was said to be problem I had replaced there PSU and taken out my video card before sending it back.

2nd time was 2 weeks after i got it back.This time i had RAM checked in a friends Pc worked,left my PSU Thermaltake light power 650watt took card out sent it back again.Told dealer i thought his PSU was the problem (it was not) so upgrading to this everything was ok.It arrived he "said" it posted to windows win it arrived.Told him to just send it back as was.It worked when i got it backed then upgraded some parts again plus added better cooling and replaced the RAM to a different brand.

Now the same problem.Just to try i disconnected the power / reset button to my case added power and it still started itself and stopped 3-5 seconds later ahh how does it start with no motherboard headers in place?

Left looking how to tell if its my motherboard (my bet) or CPU if Pc will not run longer then 3-5 seconds.My thoughts still think the CMOS resetting just like one had removed the battery / used the CMOS jumpers when you disconnect power for the mains leads to motherboard failure.Im not sure but even if you removed your CPU it would not reset CMOS?.

Left waiting 3 days for the post to find out i guess 🙁

with it shutting down after 3-5 seconds I'm assuming you can't get into bios in that time. But if you can you might try resetting it to default. most likely if the battery is bad, it would just not keep your settings and not shut down. at least that's been my experience. I assume youve double checked your clear cmos jumper, but you might want to do that again just to be safe.

the only other thing i thought of is you said that you have the reset switch hooked up to the pins for power because the power switch wouldn't come on at all. have you tried startinit by shorting the power leads with a screw driver? I just thought it might have be some kind of short in your case. just an idea

No cant get to bios will light monitor and keyboard up but then stops before i see anything on the screen.
Replaced the battery
checked the cmos jumper

Had the reset to power swapped on header to see if power switch was to blame.it was not.Before removing both power and reset leads from the header.It still starting soon as i added power then stopping 5 seconds later-here you would normally need a screwdriver to even think about starting it

Cant really use / try the screwdriver trick if its booting soon as I add power unless you want me to boot then it stops after 5 seconds then use screwdriver?
I've had a system in the past that would start up for a second or two when poer was turned on, but then would start normally when turned on with the switch. try shorting the power leads with a screw driver after it turns it's self off. as long as your grounded, it shouldn't cause a problem.