PC Shuts Down After Few Minutes Of Playing A Game

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Goku Black

Oct 3, 2016
Hi everyone, sorry to bother ya. Since the minute I got my PC with specs of
CPU: AMD FX 4300 3.8GHZ
GPU: GT 730 2GB
Windows 10 Home Edition
(Surely not the best but a GREAT upgrade from my laptop)
I have had a strange issue that frustrated me for many, many days. I've had the PC for about 1 week or so.
The issue is; every time I run a game (Which I may add is not really intensive on my PC, regardless) after minutes the PC just shuts down. Nothing, no power, no anything. I have to FULLY turn off the Power of the Tower, wait few seconds then turn it on. That's the only thing I can do when it shuts down.
My GPU and CPU temps seem to be alright, nothing overheated, proper cooling system, no wires on the way, so I extremely doubt it's Cooling problem. What I've noticed, is after putting CPU usage to 65% in power settings, I could finally play again without crashing. Up until now that is. Now it doesn't wanna run games properly even with this GIANT reduce in performance. I am incredibly frustrated, and I would really appreciate any help if possible.
Please give me your thoughts and help me out with this enraging problem.
Side Note: Browsing and drawing in Photoshop all work properly, just the graphic intensive applications that are messing things up.


Goku Black

500 Watt 80+ Bronze Certified .. that's all I know. But oh well. I might just open the case and void warranty.
Opening your case does not void any warranty. Any company saying it does is lieing and is in violation of US law, if you are in the US.

Most countries have similar laws, most.


They will not push the envelope and will cave if you ever needed to warranty the unit and had opened it. Flatly, it is illegal for them to not do so and they will have no chance to win in court UNLESS you actually did something negligent or it could be proved that you somehow caused incidental damage resulting in whatever failure you are experiencing. Otherwise, they would be responsible. Most would never fight it, since the costs to fight a company could result in legal fees far beyond what the hardware was worth if somehow they lost, but there it is anyhow. There is no reason to not open the case if it is necessary.

I think you need to remove the power supply, or at least just disconnect it from the case so you can see all sides in order to identify the model number. This is incredibly important to determine the quality, and probability of failure, with any given unit. Without knowing what you have it's hard to say whether it's likely that it has failed or not.

OR, you can just contact the company and start an RMA. If the unit does not operate correctly, then you have every right to have it replaced if it is under warranty. Shutting down for no reason is certainly enough reason to justify replacement.
Hey. I am very sorry that it took so long for me to answer back. I have pulled up my socks and did it, I ripped off the "void warranty" sticker and looked at the PSU. Its specs are;

80 Plus Bronze
Active 85 CIT
AC Input 100-240V- , 7-3 5A 60-50HZ
DC Output Orange = +3.3V Red +5V Yellow +12V Blue -12V Purple +5VSB Black COM Green PS-ON Grey PW-OK
Max Current 6A 8A 36A 0.5A 2A Return Remote PG
Max Power 60W 432W 6W 10W Erp-2014 + 5Vsb < 0.25W
Model No : ATV500W Switching power supply
Active PFC Efficiency 85%

All it said
UPDATE: What I also noticed is that sometimes when I leave it on Sleep, it just shuts down. The power Button seizes its glowing light and I can't turn it on, gotta reset PSU all over again with its ON/OFF button ( The MotherBoard lights are still on ) Happens if I leave it idle for hours, or whenever it's on sleep. Idk really.. Really annoying.
IRELAND??? Hell boy, that's a first. I've helped people from all over the world, but I don't recall ever getting anybody from Ireland. I just figured you guys were too busy drinking Heineken, Guiness and Jameson to even bother with building computers. :)

Nah, just foolin man. That's cool to me. Probably the first country on my list of places to visit if I ever went overseas. That or Scotland.

Let me ask you this though, so I don't recommend something that turns out to not be a very wise purchase based on potential future upgrades. Do you have ANY plans to upgrade your system in the near to intermediate future, or even just upgrade to a higher tiered graphics card at some point? If so, do you have any thoughts on what sort of hardware, specifically, you might be wanting to look into?

I'd hate to recommend something that's fine for what you have now, but then in six months you upgrade something that ends up requiring a higher capacity unit and results in this purchase having been a waste of money for the most part.

If you just need something based on the system you have now, this would work great, and in fact would be fine if you upgraded your graphics card to anything between what you have now and something like a GTX 1060 or RX 570.

Hopefully ordering from the UK isn't a problem, because I'm seeing very few units available in Ireland.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: Corsair - CXM (2015) 450W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£46.70 @ Box Limited)
Total: £46.70
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-12-01 09:58 GMT+0000

If you HAVE to order from an Ireland retailer, any of these would be good choices, although some are better than others. I'll list them from least to best.




Well, yeah, if this was just purchased AND if it's under warranty, that's probably a no brainer that it ought to be taken back. However, it might not be that simple. If this is something that was shipped to him and requires being shipped back, waiting and then has to again be shipped, it might not make for a very appealing process. I'd wager that PSU is the problem based on past experiences with CIT power supplies but I cannot argue that if it is under warranty somebody else should be fixing it.

Regardless though, I'd still get a different power supply EVEN if they find that one faulty and replace it with another just like it. So I'd get the PSU, see if it fixes the problem and then send it for repair after taking your new PSU out.

There is however the simple fact that as he mentioned before, there may be complications getting it warranted since he's broken open the unit and it had a void warranty if opened sticker on it. What I mentioned previously about them not being able to avoid honoring the warranty was only a sure thing in the USA due to OUR laws. I'm not sure how the laws in Ireland or the UK work. You may not have a similar law. You'll have to check that part for yourself.
I have in fact neglected my warranty (I should be able to open it without voiding warranty) and looked at the parts. I am Kinda planning to get a gtx 1050 ti in some distant future, but I doubt it needs something higher than 450 or 500 watt psu. Fact is, the PC shutting down became more frequent to the point when I turn it on and it turns off few minutes after. I let it stay off for a while and I turned it on again, it seems to be working decent, but it turned off again and I turned it on yet again.
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The site replied and said that my PSU is of excellent quality that can power gtx 1080 and gtx 1070 and that professionals built the pc etc. Yet they don't answer the problem of why it's shutting down, they're just telling me to go and get a support ticket to call support.
Yeah, that's complete BS, plain and simple. I don't care who they are, I'm calling them flat out liars and you can show them this thread and tell them I said so. If they'd like to take the conversation over to Johnnyguru, where the largest collection of the most highly skilled power supply geeks on the planet congregate, we can do that as well. The answer will still be the same, which is that the power supply in that unit is just about as crappy as it gets, bar none.

The fact is, the people you are talking to over there are either salesmen who don't know a power supply from a peanut butter sandwich, or technicians who do, but whose job it is as employees of the company to soothe you with false reassurances and lies. That is the bottom line, no two ways about it. I assure you that they get calls like yours ALL THE TIME, and don't care. If 75% of the people who call get fed up, or never call at all, and just replace it themselves, they don't mind giving the other 25% another POS CIT unit to replace the one that failed.

These places have to make money on the builds they sell somehow, and it's always by cutting costs wherever and whenever they can. The easiest way to do that is by including a 5 dollar power supply instead of a 35-45 dollar power supply, like a decent company would. The mere fact that these guys sold you a system with a 5 year old AMD FX series platform in it tells me that they are complete shysters who will take advantage any way they can and of course they are not alone in this. Most companies selling prebuilt systems online that are not an OEM like Dell or HP, are doing the same thing.

You know why? Because they can.
You made my eyes tear up. Fair play to ya lad. You cried out all of my frustrations and expressed them in a better way with more vocabulary than I could ever use. Thanks. Sadly.. Because of my.. limited possibilities and time, I can't build myself a system. If I could, I could right NOW get intel core i5 4670, get myself a GTX 10 #$$ 50 TI instead of this GT 730 bullshit that they pull off... and get a plenty of ram and systems. I have actually added up parts by myself on newegg, and with the same price I got a decent gtx 1050 and amd a10 apu cpu system with 8gb ram.

This world saddens me.
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Here is what they said;
Let me first point out that there are NO support tickets associated with this order and no emails from your email address to any sales or support email address @custompc.ie.

You did not purchase Windows from us with your PC as you can see from the order details below

Processor CPU: AMD FX4300 3.80Ghz 4 Cores
CPU Cooling: AMD FX Heatsink & Fan
Memory: 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz (8GBx1)
Motherboard: Gigabyte 970 Gaming with M.2
SSD Hard Disk: Optional Extra
Hard Disk 1: 1 Terabyte 3.5" Sata Hard Disk
Hard Disk 2: Optional Extra
Optical Drive: 24X DVD Rewriter
Video Card: AMD RADEON R7 240 2GB
Sound Card: Realtek 8 Channel HD Audio
Wireless: TP-LINK 300Mbps PCI-E IEEE 802.11n
Power Supply: 500 Watt 80+ Bronze Certified
Operating System: No PreInstalled Operating System
Office Software: No Office Software Installed
AntiVirus Software: BullGuard Internet Security with 1 Year Updates
Keyboard: Optional Extra
Mouse: Optional Extra

The power supply in your PC is manufacturered by CiT and is of excellent quality and is an 80+ Bronze Certified power supply
Here is a link detailing what this means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/80_Plus#Technical_overview

This is the entry level 80+ Bronze Certified PSU and is in use in our systems because it is reliable and offers good performance and
can power graphics cards such as the GTX1070 and even the GTX1080.

Your PC however has a Radeon R240 which does not require power from the PCI-E power connector on the PSU and therefore#
the load on your PSU is minimal . In tests the your PC had a power draw underload of under 175 Watts .

All systems under go strenuous testing with Passmark , 3D Mark and Furmark as well a a full memtest prior to shipment.

I should also point out that all products sold on our website are sold in EUROS and INCLUDE VAT.

For us to help you you need to create a support ticket at our HELP DESK .
Trustpilot is not a support platform and we cannot offer product support through this platform.

We treat our customers with respect and offer first class levels of support across multiple support platforms

There is no record of you contacting us through any of these platforms.

Our PCs are built by qualified professionals using only tier 1 components that include Asus and Gigabyte Motherboards ,
Crucial , Adata & Corsair Memory , Seagate and Western Digital Hdds , Cit , Aerocool , EVGA & Cooler Master Power Supplies , ETC.

Our website is about choice and we offer systems from the entry level €400+ system up to €20K workstations and everything in between.
The quality of the systems we build and supply is consistent no matter the cost to the customer and all of our systems come with LifeTime Support ,
Next Business Day Collect & Return Warranty as well as a 2 or 3 Year Hardware Warranty.

If you genuinely want help from us you need to open a support ticket and our qualified and experienced technicians will then reply to you through the Help Desk.

Please also note there is also no record of any previous posts on the Trustpilot platform from your account.
Yep, typical. A whole lotta words that don't say much except "We have no intention of trying to help you".

Any company that was even HALFWAY decent, would have said, "Hey, even though you didn't create a support ticket, our main concern is that any issues with your system are properly addressed. Officialy, please create a support ticket, which we will expedite since we are already aware of the problems you are having with your system. Once of our customer care agents will 100% see to it that we get your problem resolved one way or the other. There are a few concerns, such as the fact that you did not purchase Windows with your system, however this is not an usual discrepancy and if we can ......blah, blah, blah."

That's what happens when you're dealing with a reputable, customer oriented PC vendor. Clearly, all they want to do is place any potential blame on you. I wouldn't expect it to get much better at any point along the way. Hopefully that's not the case, but I'm pretty skeptical about it not being. Scandalous bums is what they really are.

Plus, why is that you say you have a GT730 but THEY say you have an R7 240? Something's screwy there.
Yes, of course you'll need to open a support ticket. Just don't be too surprised when you find they are not exactly welcoming you with open arms. My experience is that they will take every possible opportunity to try and NOT be helpful, or replace anything, unlike hardware vendors that generally don't think twice about replacing an item.

I'd just replace the PSU and go from there. Even if they replace it, it will be with another hunk of junk.
That´s the "problem" with pre-built systems, warranty is applied to the whole system, so you will have to send the original setup to them. If you change or replace anything, they are not accountable for it.

And for the junk part, you get what you pay for. Btw. how much did you pay?
I don't necessarily agree. Often, with prebuilt systems, you DON'T get what you payed for. Or at least, what you THOUGHT you payed for.

Mostly, if 90% of prebuilt systems, at least the ones from the OEMs like Dell and HP, came with reliable power supplies, they'd last a whole lot longer and be a helluva lot more reliable. I suppose they do well enough for what they are, mostly, but what they include is so barely capable of supporting the systems they are in that the second you add something new, often it's enough to send it over the edge.

Boutique system builders like the CyberpowerPC and this guy's CustomPC are much worse though. At least the OEM's make sure everything is fully compatible and although they supply PSUs that are just barely enough to keep the system powered, they are often (But not always. Depends, like you say, on what you pay for them.) built by decent manufacturers like Delta or Seasonic. Places like CustomPC tend to always use the cheapest units they can find unless you are knowledgeable enough to specifically ask, and pay, for a better unit. Even then, the "better" units those kinds of companies have available don't typically extend much past units only meant for mainstream systems like the VS and CX units from Corsair.

I suppose none of this is of much help now though. As I said, I'd replace the power supply and if it fixes the problem, great, if not, put the old one back in and send it back to them, or just suck it up and let's figure out what the issue is ourselves. Of course, it it's not the power supply, you might end up having to replace more than one item to get it straight.

I'm still concerned with why the OP says he has a GT 730 and CustomPC says he has an R7 240.
That´s the problem with customizable systems, you have to put in cheap parts to survive on the market or your systems are too expensive.
Costs of building and testing have to be paid by the customer. The price for this system was about €553.99 with wireless card and assembling.
It´s calld FX gaming PC and "Designed to offer a superior gaming experience at a reduced cost" 😉

Warranty of the CIT is 1 Year 😀 very good PSU 😉

The best thing of this shop is that you know what you get. Most other shops just wright a wattage. In the description your PSU is stated.


OEMs like Dell or HP are building tons of the same units and many business clients, so they can develop their own systems and still can get a profit.
True enough.
Howdy! Been a while! I decided to hop back in to my old account on this wonderful site and your messages gave me a breeze of fond memories. I must acknowledge however as a token of respect, and perhaps familiarity, that you are a Very smart individual. I find that highly impressive and amazing. Back in 2017, I was a rather young person with little experience in English, having moved to Ireland, not too long ago from that date. (I did find your references to the Irish culture wholesome however! They were not lost on me!)If I had known English to a more proficient degree, I'd be able to recognize that sooner. So in short, thanks for being the person who chose to help me out back then! I really appreciate you after so many years, and I wish you the best of health. Cheers!
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