PC Shuts down after gameplay.

Chris V

Sep 24, 2014
My recently built pc was working fine for the first two days. I was able to play Tomb Raider for hours until I got tired and shut the system down. Now, after getting a new monitor and setting the tower up in another part of my room (plugged into a different outlet and whatnot), after about 10-15 mins of gameplay the screen shuts off and says no hdmi connected, also the keyboard and mouse LEDs shut off and theres no response. The parts inside the pc are still running though (lights/fans/ect. are all still on).
I'm currently using:
AMD Ryzen 7 1700
Asus strix b350-f gaming
EVGA GeForce GTX 1070FTW

Windows 10 Education Edition.

Thanks for your help
UPDATE-It seems to also restart after 20 or so minutes of doing non intense tasks like clicking through the file explorer or checking system settings
No idea then, the only thing I think is maybe that your motherboard is bad, also could be psu related, its very unlikely, but try plugging the pc into the old outlet.

Ran the furmark benchmark while CAM was open on screen, the gpu was at roughly 61C and cpu was like 55C.

I saw a post that talked about display and usb ports turning off while the system appeared to still be running and the solution for that issue was apparently rolling back the gpu driver, which I did, with no success.