PC Shuts down and gives me event error 41.


Jan 30, 2016
the computer shuts down without warning or blue screen and it immediately restarts like nothing ever happened. the shutdown acts like the power cord was unplugged but like I said it just starts back up. it happens randomly and I'm pretty sure it's not temperatures because I've checked those. it gives me event error 41 in the Windows Event log. the GPU and PSU are just over a month old. here are my specs:
i5 4460, Hitachi 1tb hard drive, gtx 1070, EVGA 600B PSU, 4 2GB sticks of 1066 Mhz RAM
see if there are any memory dump files in c:\windows\minidump directory

some systems are set to reboot on a bugcheck.

generally, a system that just reboots without a bugcheck will have a power problem.
it is not something that RAM will cause. I would generally, update the BIOS and motherboard drivers from the motherboard vendor and disable any overclocking software. if I still get problems, I would check the power supply power connections from the psu to the GPU and make sure they are correctly connected.
if the GPU uses too much power, then the motherboard will detect the problem and its protection circuits will reset the CPU and the machine will go to a black screen or just start to reboot.
windows will put the error 41 in the log on the reboot to indicate that the machine did not do a successful shutdown on the previous boot. (this causes extra steps in the next boot process to be run)

most often something like this can be tested by running something to test your video.

Okay, I'll check once I can and show you what there is in minidump. As far as the BIOS, I'm a bit scared to do that considering my PC Shuts off randomly, so I'll try that as a last resort. When it comes to over clocking software, I have that ASUS shit that ASUS told me to download with my GPU and I set my gpu to the silent preset. I'll check the PSU connections when I get my new hard drive. That sounds the most likely considering it's a brand new highly rated (by that I mean it's good for bronze) PSU so fingers crossed. I'm gonna replace the power cable and surge protector, too.

Also I like just got your notification sorry if my reply was late.

There is no minidump in Windows? I can't find it.