Uninstall the Corsair iCUE software let me know of that stops it. My PC has started shutting down at random and when I removed the software it stopped. OK goto the installation folder and find the vc_redist. x86 file and install it from there. Should fix the issueI have crystaldisk downloaded and it is saying caution on the one hardrive in yellow and it’s yellow on REALLOCATED SECTORS COUNT could this have anything to do with the system shutting off at all and does this mean I need a new hardrive ?
Please post specs ?
Should I test with just graphics card out first or both card and ramAsked already, does it happen with the RX 5700 XT out as well?
The 4x8gb of ram didn't come as one kit. Try and test with two sticks that came together in one set.
Test ram. Once you’ve ruled out the ram and any memory errors, check your BIOS. Seriously. Update your BIOS. Make sure the CPU voltages and clocks are stable. Remove any “auto” settings on cpu voltages and clocks and replace with the correct stock voltage/clock. Check for crashes again. It could easily be that the automatic setting on that mobo isn’t providing stable voltages to that processor regardless of the power supply. After you’ve done all that, and the computer is still rebooting, update your graphics drivers and check for crashes with and without the graphics card.
Tried this already?if the fails take the gpu out as suggested by vic 40
Currently trying my old gpu in it and going to see if it stays on as think the amd drivers could be the problem as seeing others experience similar problemsTried this already?
Not entirely sure as was out of another pc my sister had a couple years ago could be quite a few years old tbfwhat is the age of those hdd drive specially the 80 gig on .
I have a corsair cx750m PSU, which is terrible, and was experiencing similar shutdowns. I have an i7-9700k at 4.7ghz, rtx 2070 and corsair vengeance ram at 3.2ghz. PC would work perfectly, no issues AT ALL and then randomly boom! Full power off, followed by a restart. The issue ended up being that, for whatever reason, the automatic voltage control on my MSI mobo was not stable. SO I used a static overclock (not auto) and static voltage. It should be noted that I put slightly more voltage than was required for some at 4.7ghz. I also made sure my ring ratio was optimal, which for some reason it was NOT (was higher than processor clock speed). I lowered my graphics card overclock as well because it crashed 3 weeks after I applied the aforementioned BIOS fix. It has been a month so far, no crashes, gaming great. Hopefully you figure it out. This forum helped massively, even though most threads blamed the PSU, thankfully that wasn't the case.
Not the OP but someone with similar problem who wanted to tell how he solved his problems and maybe help the OP with it and if you've read all does he say it wasn't the psu in his case.That does not sound like a PSU issue. Did you replace the PSU and the problems went away?
And in what alternate dimension are there people saying that the CX750M is a terrible PSU?
The issue ended up being that, for whatever reason, the automatic voltage control on my MSI mobo was not stable. SO I used a static overclock (not auto) and static voltage. It should be noted that I put slightly more voltage than was required for some at 4.7ghz. I also made sure my ring ratio was optimal, which for some reason it was NOT (was higher than processor clock speed). I lowered my graphics card overclock as well because it crashed 3 weeks after I applied the aforementioned BIOS fix. It has been a month so far, no crashes, gaming great. Hopefully you figure it out. This forum helped massively, even though most threads blamed the PSU, thankfully that wasn't the case.
Hope for you this will give a solution or at least some insight in the problem.Currently trying my old gpu in it and going to see if it stays on as think the amd drivers could be the problem as seeing others experience similar problems
Not the OP but someone with similar problem who wanted to tell how he solved his problems and maybe help the OP with it and if you've read all does he say it wasn't the psu in his case.
Basically does he say that his motherboard was the problem not the psu. Thinks he wants to let the OP know that manually setting voltages and some other things (ring ratio he mentiones) might help.I know. But he never really even said that he found out the PSU was actually the problem! So how does that help?
Why he says his psu is "terrible" i don't know. Maybe he has read alot of old threads here or someone told him in his own thread (which i guess he had). In some of the old threads from the time the CX was stil green/black the psu got blamed. Whether that was right or wrong is another thing.He says, "PSU is garbage. Everyone told me it was garbage.
Update doesn’t matter if the gpu is out as I put old one in and it stayed on for a while now it’s shut it’s self down probs going to have to take it to a professional to look at it as I’m out of ideas
The psu I replaced is the second one which is not in the system now I’m using a different one now which is this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B01H78DL76?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_titleA professional is going to cost more than a new PSU.
If it's shutting down, it's probably the PSU.
How old is the VS PSU? You didn't list the part number for it.
Is it this one: https://images.frys.com/art/product/big/9510702.01.big.jpg
Or this one: https://www.corsair.com/corsairmedia/sys_master/productcontent/CP-9020172-NA-VS650_PSU_01.png
The psu I replaced is the second one which is not in the system now I’m using a different one now which is this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B01H78DL76?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
With this one it stil shuts down?The psu I replaced is the second one which is not in the system now I’m using a different one now which is this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B01H78DL76?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title