PC shuts down when gaming


Mar 20, 2013
I upgraded my PC about two weeks ago, except the power supply and optical drive, but it shuts down unexpectedly when I play my games for about an hour. My specs are: Gigabyte ga-970a-ud3p for the motherboard, AMD FX 6300 for the cpu, Sapphire Radeon r9 270x 4GB, and my PSU is a Xion 700w. Is my cpu the problem or my power supply? Core Temp said my cpu goes up to the mid 50's C when I play games. I don't know the exact model of my PSU but it looks alot like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817190028&cm_re=xion-_-17-190-028-_-Product
I think your psu is the problem. Not because it isn't powerful enough but because the brand seems very goofy and it has no certification or 80+ mark. I've never seen that brand and it's half the price of my xfx 750w psu. I have the feeling that the psu gets unstable. Try running prime95 and check the voltages with HWinfo, if they fluctuate too much it could be the psu indeed.

How do I check the voltages on HWinfo?

Sorry for the late response, I just got back from work. Would it be cpu status? It says that the cpu status is at .8500v. It sometimes fluctuates to .9 something and up to 1.33 something but it quickly goes back to .8500. It also says that my video card is at 1.50v

EDIT: I just thought of something, could it be my ram? I am using two different sticks from the same company. Here is the new stick I bought: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231423 and these are the ones I brought over from my old motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231396

the cpu voltage fluctuations could be the killer. try to run AMD overdrive in conjunction with HWinfo and check your temps and cpu frequency. Either it is the heat throttling your cpu and reducing the voltages or your psu not being able to cope with the load.

It was my power supply. I bought a Corsair CX 750M and I have been able to play my games with no problem/

Thats great then. congratz!