These days when I try to start the computer all the fans starts running and then it stops, again all fans starts to run for few seconds and then again stops, then starts again. it's a continuous process. I'm totally stumped by this one ....... everything happens within seconds. not even giving time for the bios to load. I don't know whether it's a motherboard issue or a PSU issue
My motherboard is DH67CL and my PSU is corsair CX 430 V1 .One peculiar thing to add is that whenever I turn my UPS on my PC starts automatically without any help from the Power button. I know everybody will think that it's a bios problem but it's not. My bios settings are default . settings are below.
Intel Dynamic Power Technology
Enhanced Intel speedstep technology - Enable
Processor C states - Enable
System Power options
After Power Failure - Stay off
Wake on Lan From S4/S5 - Power on-Normal boot
Deep S4/S5 - Disable
S3 state indicator - blink
wake system from S5 - Disable
PCIe ASPM support - Disable
Flash Update sleep Delay - Disable
My power button is working properly too ... I removed the power pin from the cabinet which is connected to the mobo . but still the pc starts and then shutting down
Right now I don't have any problem if my pc is turning on automatically but I don't want it to shutdown within seconds and restart again. I searched the forum for similar issues but everybody is talking about system shutting down within seconds after startup but mine is restarting too without any delay and then again shutting down within seconds. this process is going on forever. I tried to check the temp of my CPU . it's around 43 C.
I don't have extra PSU or motherboard to check which one is actually have problems. If anybody have any idea about why this is happening then please share it . my system config. i5 2500, DH67CL, 8GB RAM (4GB x 2), MSI GTX 550 Ti, 500GB HDD, Corsair CX430 V1, APC 650VA UPS.
My motherboard is DH67CL and my PSU is corsair CX 430 V1 .One peculiar thing to add is that whenever I turn my UPS on my PC starts automatically without any help from the Power button. I know everybody will think that it's a bios problem but it's not. My bios settings are default . settings are below.
Intel Dynamic Power Technology
Enhanced Intel speedstep technology - Enable
Processor C states - Enable
System Power options
After Power Failure - Stay off
Wake on Lan From S4/S5 - Power on-Normal boot
Deep S4/S5 - Disable
S3 state indicator - blink
wake system from S5 - Disable
PCIe ASPM support - Disable
Flash Update sleep Delay - Disable
My power button is working properly too ... I removed the power pin from the cabinet which is connected to the mobo . but still the pc starts and then shutting down
Right now I don't have any problem if my pc is turning on automatically but I don't want it to shutdown within seconds and restart again. I searched the forum for similar issues but everybody is talking about system shutting down within seconds after startup but mine is restarting too without any delay and then again shutting down within seconds. this process is going on forever. I tried to check the temp of my CPU . it's around 43 C.
I don't have extra PSU or motherboard to check which one is actually have problems. If anybody have any idea about why this is happening then please share it . my system config. i5 2500, DH67CL, 8GB RAM (4GB x 2), MSI GTX 550 Ti, 500GB HDD, Corsair CX430 V1, APC 650VA UPS.