PC shutting down & restarting within seconds continuously


Mar 13, 2012
These days when I try to start the computer all the fans starts running and then it stops, again all fans starts to run for few seconds and then again stops, then starts again. it's a continuous process. I'm totally stumped by this one ....... everything happens within seconds. not even giving time for the bios to load. I don't know whether it's a motherboard issue or a PSU issue

My motherboard is DH67CL and my PSU is corsair CX 430 V1 .One peculiar thing to add is that whenever I turn my UPS on my PC starts automatically without any help from the Power button. I know everybody will think that it's a bios problem but it's not. My bios settings are default . settings are below.

Intel Dynamic Power Technology
Enhanced Intel speedstep technology - Enable
Processor C states - Enable

System Power options
After Power Failure - Stay off
Wake on Lan From S4/S5 - Power on-Normal boot
Deep S4/S5 - Disable
S3 state indicator - blink
wake system from S5 - Disable
PCIe ASPM support - Disable
Flash Update sleep Delay - Disable

My power button is working properly too ... I removed the power pin from the cabinet which is connected to the mobo . but still the pc starts and then shutting down

Right now I don't have any problem if my pc is turning on automatically but I don't want it to shutdown within seconds and restart again. I searched the forum for similar issues but everybody is talking about system shutting down within seconds after startup but mine is restarting too without any delay and then again shutting down within seconds. this process is going on forever. I tried to check the temp of my CPU . it's around 43 C.

I don't have extra PSU or motherboard to check which one is actually have problems. If anybody have any idea about why this is happening then please share it . my system config. i5 2500, DH67CL, 8GB RAM (4GB x 2), MSI GTX 550 Ti, 500GB HDD, Corsair CX430 V1, APC 650VA UPS.

Thank you for your suggestion . I checked startup & recovery and automatically restart is ON under system failure options . I turned it off . I don't know where to check in Bios regarding that restart problem . but this only explains the restart issue , still I don't know what is causing the shutting down problem

when I try to start the system after a long gap of say 12 hrs or so it loads the first pic of bios for the first time and then shuts down . then it restarts again . but after that it won't even reach the bios part I guess .. the fans starts to run for 3 seconds maybe then stops then starts again without any delay ... Even the starting pic of bios won't load during this process and the monitor itself is in power saving mode during the continuous process

And I never tried flashing the bios . I'm a total noob in that area :pt1cable:

I rarely play games on my PC ..... few minutes ago when I checked the temp using realtemp software it was around 43 C

I don't know how to find out the readings for the PSU ....... if you kindly tell me how to do it ..... I will do it and share the readings with you
OK then your cpu is on idle. At idle the temps should be about 35C on a hot day and 30C on a cool day.

So your cpu is running too hot.

Easiest thing to do - Step 1 - blow out your case -= especially air coolers and air filters.

Next increase the cpu fan speed

I can't see if your mobo - http://www.intel.com.au/content/www/au/en/motherboards/desktop-motherboards/desktop-board-dh67cl.html

has a UEFI - software to check and resset bios.

If not you'll have to go into Bios to see the cpu temp and change the cpu fan speed.

Otherwise, download and run HWInfo - Sensors and post the results - usually 3 screenshots in Tiny Pic or similar. It'll give cpus temps, voltages, fan speeds etc.

just for the info : I live in a country where the average temp is around 32-36 C . but I will increase the fan speed in bios

I downloaded the software and I'm posting the results below. I Hope this helps



The only thing I can see there is that your cpu is getting a bit hotter than it should (47C). Even if it is 35C ambient.

What cpu cooler have you got?

Blow out your case. Especially the coolers and filters.

Have you checked in bios for the Power Outage Recovery settings? And put it to shutdown?

I have the default cooler and heatsink which I got with the processor .. I didn't overclock the system , so I thought that will be enough

I recently blow out my coolers and filters but I guess I didn't apply the thermal paste properly

bios is set to stay off after power failure and even in the windows I set it not to restart after system failure .. but still it keeps restarting

Even if there is an overheat problem, I guess it will not occur at the first few seconds of the start but my system is shutting down in first few seconds

I will try to take the readings of the PSU
I just had the same problem and I just found the solution so I thought of leaving my solution.

So my problem was that the PC was shutting down and restarting for a split second over and over again. So I disconnected the Power button pin on the motherboard and used my screwdriver to touch the 2 pins that powers the system. So it must have been a short circuit or something. I know it's not the most practical solution but it was the only way to make the system work until I have my Motherboard checked and replaced.

Hope it helps. :)