Question PC shutting down while games are loading.

Jun 19, 2023
Hello, my computer has been shutting down randomly and shuts down when loading games.

I don't know what to do the computer just doesn't want to work, I started it and it worked fine for a few hours then died.
It restarted then died again on the MSI boot screen, then that happened another 2 times for a total of 3 deaths after that windows gave me the "Please wait" as it does after 3 unexpected shutdowns and gives me the regular options, I shut it off I wait a few hours power it on dies 3 times I shut it off you get it. In 2022 and the start of 2023 it worked fine this started happening last month and this month
At night the computer always seems to run perfectly fine just in the morning it does this BS.

Basically, it happens randomly when I'm just browsing, and it happens when games are loading.

HWiNFO shows normal voltages for PSU when idle or browsing. One time when the game actually loaded, I saw the +12v go down to 11.904v

I have cleaned the fans and temps are fine.
Reseated RAM.
Switched out GPU's and used DDU and reinstalled drivers.
I put the GPU in the lower PCIe slot.
I also fully reinstalled windows for a clean install.

Heaven Unigine runs and works most of the time but other times it causes the PC to die, Cinebench runs and works, but when I open a game and get to the loading screen the pc instantly just shuts off.


CPU: Intel Core i7-6700k
Mobo: MSI Z170A PC Mate
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB 2x8GB
GPU: Quadro M4000
PSU: Thermaltake Smart 750w 80+ Bronze


Downloading games: what games and what source websites?

Look in Reliability History/Monitor: any error codes, warnings, or even informational events being captured just before or at the time a game download was being attempted or running?
Jun 19, 2023
Downloading games: what games and what source websites?

Look in Reliability History/Monitor: any error codes, warnings, or even informational events being captured just before or at the time a game download was being attempted or running?

Uh the games aren't cracked.
Even other games that actually aren't cracked also kill my PC.

What is Reliability History/Monitor?


"What is Reliability History/Monitor?"


A similar tool but not as easy to use and understand is Event Viewer:

How To - How to use Windows 10 Event Viewer | Tom's Hardware Forum (

As for "works at night and morning it does not work"?

Does the computer eventually work after a few morning startup attempts that may warm things up? That could be temperature related - something loose, needs to warm up, expand, fully connect, and all is "well".
Jun 19, 2023
"What is Reliability History/Monitor?"


A similar tool but not as easy to use and understand is Event Viewer:

How To - How to use Windows 10 Event Viewer | Tom's Hardware Forum (

As for "works at night and morning it does not work"?

Does the computer eventually work after a few morning startup attempts that may warm things up? That could be temperature related - something loose, needs to warm up, expand, fully connect, and all is "well".

The computer doesn't work at all in the morning I try multiple times to play but it results in the PC dying, I wait until night, and I try it and the games work.

The PC has been running for a few hours now and I've been browsing and watching YouTube to "warm things up" and the PC still dies after I run the game, I ran it 2 times to test, and it does not work.

Also, I have not changed the thermal paste in like 3 years.

I just ran Heaven Unigine kills the PC and Cinebench works fine.

Event Viewer I do know, I have a Critical Kernel-Power that appears.

Event 41, Kernel Power
The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

Details -> XML View -> EventData

<Data Name="BugcheckCode">0</Data>
<Data Name="BugcheckParameter1">0x0</Data>
<Data Name="BugcheckParameter2">0x0</Data>
<Data Name="BugcheckParameter3">0x0</Data>
<Data Name="BugcheckParameter4">0x0</Data>
<Data Name="SleepInProgress">0</Data>
<Data Name="PowerButtonTimestamp">0</Data>
<Data Name="BootAppStatus">0</Data>
<Data Name="Checkpoint">0</Data>
<Data Name="ConnectedStandbyInProgress">false</Data>
<Data Name="SystemSleepTransitionsToOn">0</Data>
<Data Name="CsEntryScenarioInstanceId">0</Data>
<Data Name="BugcheckInfoFromEFI">false</Data>
<Data Name="CheckpointStatus">0</Data>
<Data Name="CsEntryScenarioInstanceIdV2">0</Data>
<Data Name="LongPowerButtonPressDetected">false</Data>


Boot the system as normal but before attempting any games open Reliability History/Monitor and capture a screenshot of the report. Post the screenshot here via imgur (

Then try to play a couple of games. If the system crashes then again reboot and immediately go to Reliability History/Monitor. Capture and post a second screenshot being sure to distinguish between the two screenshots.

Go into Event View and clear all logs. Work and game as normal for a couple of days then take a look at the logs again.

In Task Manager: check the Startup Tab for any unexpected or unknown processes being launched at startup.

Another place to look is Task Scheduler. Some game (or games) may be triggering some mis-behaving or even malicious process.

The objective being to find some error code or other bit of information that specifically identifies some running (or trying to run) process that precedes the game crashes.
Jun 19, 2023
Boot the system as normal but before attempting any games open Reliability History/Monitor and capture a screenshot of the report. Post the screenshot here via imgur (

Then try to play a couple of games. If the system crashes then again reboot and immediately go to Reliability History/Monitor. Capture and post a second screenshot being sure to distinguish between the two screenshots.

Go into Event View and clear all logs. Work and game as normal for a couple of days then take a look at the logs again.

In Task Manager: check the Startup Tab for any unexpected or unknown processes being launched at startup.

Another place to look is Task Scheduler. Some game (or games) may be triggering some mis-behaving or even malicious process.

The objective being to find some error code or other bit of information that specifically identifies some running (or trying to run) process that precedes the game crashes.
I restarted the system, and opened the reliability history/monitor and got a screenshot of it here is the imgur link: View:

One thing did stand out to me in the reliability thing is a "Windows Hardware error" here is the imgur link of it: View:

I launched my game and as it is night time the PC did not die so I could not check the reliability history/monitor I will try tomorrow morning to run the game and check the reliability history/monitor and I will reply with the imgur link tomorrow.

In the startup tab in task manager there is nothing suspicious only the apps I use.

After the restart I also checked the task scheduler all of the active tasks are Microsoft and the rest are Google Update Microsoft Edge Update, OneDrive Update, NvTmRep_CrashReport3 everything is basically Microsoft, Nvidia and Web Browser Updates.



The Reliability and Problem History report date range from June 2nd to June 9th is showing absolutely nothing. I have never seen that before.

Try again and show both a by week view and another by day view.

Do you remember doing anything prior to June 10th?

Also show the details for June 16th and June 19th.
Jun 19, 2023

The Reliability and Problem History report date range from June 2nd to June 9th is showing absolutely nothing. I have never seen that before.

Try again and show both a by week view and another by day view.

Do you remember doing anything prior to June 10th?

Also show the details for June 16th and June 19th.

I reinstalled windows on the June 10th so that's why it shows nothing from June 2nd to June 9th.

I installed those updates that showed up on the day view and SignalRgb Core is just the RGB software I use for my keyboard.

But here is the day view: View:

and week view: View:


Check if any other days have the "Signal RGB Stopped working" Source and Summary entry.

Could be that Signal RGB caused a problem elsewhere.

Maybe some conflict with another app or process that runs later or is triggered to run when the PC has be running for some amount of time.

Another thing to take a close look are the "Windows was not properly shut down".

Are those times that you had to power off or unplug to recover?

May be a bad connection somewhere.

And to follow @Roland Of Gilead 's thoughts regarding the PSU:

Also; how old is the PSU? History of heavy use for gaming, video editing, etc.?

Again, one reason the computer may work at night and not in the morning could because the system/PSU is warmed up and expansion has tightened something loose.

When cool the system may or may not boot and/or stay operational.

Explore those Misc. Failures. Pay attention to the error codes.
Jun 19, 2023
Check if any other days have the "Signal RGB Stopped working" Source and Summary entry.

Could be that Signal RGB caused a problem elsewhere.

Maybe some conflict with another app or process that runs later or is triggered to run when the PC has be running for some amount of time.

Another thing to take a close look are the "Windows was not properly shut down".

Are those times that you had to power off or unplug to recover?

May be a bad connection somewhere.

And to follow @Roland Of Gilead 's thoughts regarding the PSU:

Also; how old is the PSU? History of heavy use for gaming, video editing, etc.?

Again, one reason the computer may work at night and not in the morning could because the system/PSU is warmed up and expansion has tightened something loose.

When cool the system may or may not boot and/or stay operational.

Explore those Misc. Failures. Pay attention to the error codes.

There was no other SignalRGB stopped working in all of the history.
but there was a new thing: MSI Afterburner Stopped responding and was closed.

If you look down you will see what Reliability History/Monitor said about the SignalRGB core and MSI Afterburner

There's a difference, SignalRGB Stopped working and MSI Afterburner Stopped responding and was closed.

As for the "Windows was not properly shut down" there was nothing when I clicked on it, I clicked on multiple of them from today and from previous days and they were all the same 0 Times I have had to power off or unplug the pc.

When I went to clean the fans and after that when I went to replace the GPU I double checked all the connections, everything is secure and in place.

for PSU age, I believe it's around 3 to 5 years old I don't know exactly. This is not my system it was for one of my family members and he gave it to me, he used it as a workstation and some gaming mostly League of Legends and World of Warcraft.

Also, it's not because the PSU is warmed up or anything like that, late at night at around 1-2 am the PC starts dying again when I try to play.

SignalRGB Core:

Problem Event Name: BEX64
Application Name: SignalRgb.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 6483c71b
Fault Module Name: ucrtbase.dll
Fault Module Version: 10.0.19041.789
Exception Offset: 000000000007286e
Exception Code: c0000409
Exception Data: 0000000000000007
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 7aa1
Additional Information 2: 7aa193f11dcec3e8e01deb3f0b0ea451
Additional Information 3: 6c53
Additional Information 4: 6c53769cba2d82319ae0143b687905ee

MSI Afterburner:

A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: MSIAfterburner.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 642a0686
Hang Signature: ff3a
Hang Type: 134217728
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: ff3a8c9355697a216ff24a664522e8b8
Additional Hang Signature 2: a5c1
Additional Hang Signature 3: a5c1528920d17030ea7346fe676034c5
Additional Hang Signature 4: ff3a
Additional Hang Signature 5: ff3a8c9355697a216ff24a664522e8b8
Additional Hang Signature 6: a5c1
Additional Hang Signature 7: a5c1528920d17030ea7346fe676034c5


3 - 5 years old: I very much suspect a faltering/failing PSU.

Primarily because the PSU's age, history, and the varying numbers and sorts of error being noted.

PSU's are a critical component and provide 3, 5, and 12 volts to other system components.

It only takes one small power glitch to negatively impact whatever app or process is executing at the time of the glitch.

Do you have another known working 750 Watt PSU that can be swapped in for testing?

Remember to only use the power cables that come with the substitute/test PSU.
Jun 19, 2023
3 - 5 years old: I very much suspect a faltering/failing PSU.

Primarily because the PSU's age, history, and the varying numbers and sorts of error being noted.

PSU's are a critical component and provide 3, 5, and 12 volts to other system components.

It only takes one small power glitch to negatively impact whatever app or process is executing at the time of the glitch.

Do you have another known working 750 Watt PSU that can be swapped in for testing?

Remember to only use the power cables that come with the substitute/test PSU.

I have no other 750w PSU that I can use for testing sadly, I might just buy a new PSU and see what happens, If the PC still dies, I will just return it Amazon accepts returns.

You think maybe a PSU tester would help or not?

Thank you for all your help!


Possibly. However, for the most part a PSU tester would be last resort.

I am not familar (full disclosure) with any given product for that purpose so will defer to those who have used such devices.

Quality matters......

= = = =

There are other options:

Worth a try if you have a multi-meter and know how to use it. Or know someone who does.
Jun 19, 2023
Possibly. However, for the most part a PSU tester would be last resort.

I am not familar (full disclosure) with any given product for that purpose so will defer to those who have used such devices.

Quality matters......

= = = =

There are other options:

Worth a try if you have a multi-meter and know how to use it. Or know someone who does.

Sadly, I don't have a multimeter
I was thinking maybe I could take the PC to a repair shop and have them replace the PSU to test do you think repair shops would accept that kind of thing or not?
Jun 19, 2023
Everyone who clicked on this thread and has seen this the PSU was bad, after some time it stopped powering on the pc would start then shut down and start again, I replaced it with a much better unit the EVGA Supernova G5 750w 80+ Gold.