PC shutting off completely randomly.


Dec 11, 2017
Hi I've recently had a problem with my PC. I've recently changed case to a new one, at first it worked perfectly for some time, but a day later when I tried launching a game, it just shutdown and after turning it back on and launching another game, it shuts off again. But the third time it kept on spinning the fans up and shut down over and over again. Which is usually a ram error, so I swapped out one ram stick, it worked fine for a good day and a half, but then it did it again. And now it doesn't power on at all, no lights no nothing, but again I tried taking out my ram and turning it back on, it then powered up and after I shit it down to put my ram back in, it then ran fine for a while, but just to shut down again. I've tried checking all of my cables, and unplugging my psu and pressing a couple of times to clear all.remaimg power in the system. But it does the same thing. I've no idea what seems to be the problem. I hope any of you know anything !
This is probably 90% likely to be a power supply issue. Try another power supply or replace yours.

Probably due to low quality power supply. What is the model number of your power supply?

The thing is the power supply is quite new it's a Cooler Master B600 ver.2 so it's not that bad. But ill give it a go with an another psu, as I do have a backup system d
For testing. Unfortunately the PC with the problem I'm question is my friends which I didn't probably clarify earlier.
B600 is actually, not that good.

Biggest factor in that might be how old it is since it doesn't have especially good capacitor selection. While these units are fine for a while, they display problems over time, much like the older 2015 Corsair CX and CS units.

It certainly could be a memory issue, but that "usually" results in blue screens and such rather than simply shutting down. I suppose if a module was faulty to the point of having a direct short, it certainly could do that, but power supply and motherboard would be the primary considerations.

Any device that is shorting out once it's circuits heat up could cause the problem though. Does it only do this once the unit has been on for a while or does it do it occasionally even right after powering up? Might need to bench it in order to eliminate what is causing the issue.


Hi. I knew the psu was in the low end, but it has been running fine for a couple of months until the new build so to say. But the weird thing is, there don't seem to be pattern at all when it shuts down, sometimes it's instant as described in the top of the thread. But other times it can run for hours without any problems. But I'll go through the link you sent me tomorrow.