Hi I've recently had a problem with my PC. I've recently changed case to a new one, at first it worked perfectly for some time, but a day later when I tried launching a game, it just shutdown and after turning it back on and launching another game, it shuts off again. But the third time it kept on spinning the fans up and shut down over and over again. Which is usually a ram error, so I swapped out one ram stick, it worked fine for a good day and a half, but then it did it again. And now it doesn't power on at all, no lights no nothing, but again I tried taking out my ram and turning it back on, it then powered up and after I shit it down to put my ram back in, it then ran fine for a while, but just to shut down again. I've tried checking all of my cables, and unplugging my psu and pressing a couple of times to clear all.remaimg power in the system. But it does the same thing. I've no idea what seems to be the problem. I hope any of you know anything !