PC stopped working

Nov 5, 2018
As the name suggests, my PC stopped working. Now before you peeps begin telling me my parts are no longer working, the PC had been working for a several weeks without issues and have even been checked by an electronics store expert (this was when the issue first occurred).

PC Specs:
GPU:Gigabyte Aorus 1080ti
CPU: Ryzen 7 2700x
RAM: Trident Z 3200mhz
PSU: EVGA G2 SuperNova 750W Gold
Monitor: 1440x2560 144/165hz Acer XB241
Motherboard: Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming

What is the issue:
The first time the issue sprung up was when I accidentally turned the PC on, following a normal flash of the BIOS the screen went black along with the PC with the only visibly live component being the RGB RAM. The motherboard does a white coloured flash when the PSU is turned on but apart from these two signs of life, that is all there is left.

The second time round came when I was switching windows 10 user accounts, during a switch the screen went black and after a few minutes, I decided I should turn the PC off using the power button then turn it back on again. The problem is as you may have already suspected, only the RAM lit up and the same issues and reactions returned as the first time it broke.

What have I done:
I have taken out the CMOS battery
I have tried a manual jump start with the power pins using a screwdriver. When doing this I can hear a clicking sound somewhere near the PSU. There is also a bit of a whine. but it is extremely quiet.
Playing around with the PSU cables and checking (I do not have a test PC but the store said the cables were working fine) plugs.

What did the store say?:
The stores conclusion was that my I/O panel pin connectors were unplugged (power reset, power on, power LED etc.) but the problem was I unplugged these connectors to boot up the PC manually from the two power pins with a screwdriver (but with no result obviously). It took the store over 10 days to fix this allegedly 'simple' fix which makes me a bit suspicious but after all they only had one technician on hand at the time. The store offered to fix my issue for free this time around but it is not my top choice as it takes time etc.

What baffles me?:
Usually my RAM is always off until I turn the PC on. Why is the RAM turning on without me even turning the PC on from the power button. The RAM automatically turns on when turning the PSU on.

When I have my Mobo PSU connectors plugged out (the 24 pins), why does the RAM still light up? Is the RAM connected the the CPU headers?

Why are all my other parts suddenly dormant? Is it hardware issues that prevents the PC from booting up normally or is it software?

I expect this issue to occur once again in the future and I would absolutely loathe driving the PC up to the store or wherever every single time to get it fixed.

Thanks in advance for reading and helping me out. This is my first post and I am getting super desperate because I have alot of work to catchup on now.
Nov 5, 2018

Done? Not too sure what a motherboard make is but I added the name of the mobo. Thanks for coming by.