PC stops displaying repeatedly!


Dec 1, 2016

I'm running windows 10 pro on a newly build PC. After 5 days of normal booting, the PC begun to act weird. I pressed the power button and the fans and gpu lights worked as usual but no display! I searched online, and I unplugged ram, gpu and psu cables then plugged them back, but nothing happened. I tried resetting cmos with jumper caps but my mobo didn't come with one so I removed the battery for almost 10 minutes and put back on, and as an additional step I've read that you can use paper clips to reset the jumper so I did that two. The result was shocking, the PC didn't wanna power up when I press the power button! So I left it as it is for 2 days and powered it up again, and it worked and displayed everything. There was a massage saying press F1 to enter bios and F2 to continue. I entered the bios but didn't change anything. However, windows didn't want to load up so I had to install it again after formatting the disks. OK now everything seemed to be working appropriately. Nevertheless, I restarted the PC for some random reason, and the issue came back again! I did the same things for a second time, and the PC did the same thing, it booted up but crashed again after restarting the PC to install windows updates!

This very frustrating! especially that this is my first build and it's brand new! I don't quite know what's wrong! Could it be a defected coms battery?!

Here're my components:
asus strix gtx 1070
msi z170a plus
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4

Any suggestions on what might be the issue?

Well, do you know what might be the issue then? cuz this is stressing me out!
I don't really know what to tell you. Any part could be faulty. If I where to take a guess, it would be a faulty main board or RAM.

When the computer has a black screen, does the monitor get an input or does the monitor just turn off? Also which fans are spinning and which are not when it has a black screen? What storage are you using?

When the PC was powered up there was nothing on the monitor exept a massage indicating no DVI signal! I'm not quite sure but I believe all 3 of them were spinning (cpu + 2 case fans), but I'm pretty sure the cpu fan was working. I'm using 2 storage units, 2TB Seagate HDD ( ST2000DM001 ) and 120 GB Kingston SSD ( SUV400S37/120G ).

HDD : http://
SDD :http://


This is all I can tell you.

If the computer posts then there is an issue with the graphics

If the computer doesn't then any part could be faulty. You have to diagnose. It would be most likely the motherboard or the ram and least likely the graphics.

I cannot help you any further.


Sorry, excuse my lake of terms, by "if the computer posts" do you mean the parts are working? I'm now typing from the same computer after it successfully turned on. However, the same thing happened before and I'm afraid that if I turn it off the same issue will came back!

I understand, thanks for the help :)

post is short for POWER ON SELF TEST. If the PC fails one of its power on self tests then it gives an error code. Sometimes a PC fails hard enough it can't complete its POST even to report an error code, that's called "not posting". Rizer76 said " If the computer posts then there is an issue with the graphics " meaning the computer completed power on self test and did not have an error code. The error codes are documented in your MB manual, usually in a trouble shooting section.

Sometimes a MB comes with bad CMOS settings. Its a normal step in building a PC to get into the BIOS, reset to defaults, SAVE, then boot. If you haven't done that please do so.

Your PSU is a good model, sometimes bad power can do this.

Booting a stand-alone memory test is a good idea. Google for one on the internet. Windows also has a memory test: type 'memory' in the search bar. Click on 'Diagnose computer memory problems'

I've seen losing video sync from a bad cable or a poorly connected cable. From your first post that was a possibility until i hit "... but crashed again.." Is the PC crashing, hanging or just losing video ?
What i was saying if the computer posts with the black screen then the gpu is not working. Since your using the computer right now, the graphics card is probably fine. Some part is faulty unfortunatly. You have to diagnose which one. I believe your motherboard is faulty.

This is a very strange and unusual problem hence the reason I'm the only person attempting to help solve your problem.

The only way to fix your computer would be to figure what part is broken and replace it. (Diagnose)

A cool guide: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/diagnose-hardware-problems-computer-turn/
I tried the windows' memory test but it had to restart the computer so I lost the power and display lol!
No it's not crashing, it just turns black when I restart it and then it loses power when I unplug and replug anything, but the strange thing is that after a couple of hours it turns on like there is no problem at all!

I read the guide but nothing was relatable to my issue unfortunately! I actually lost hope of trying to fix it so I'm going to a store tomorrow to see what's up with it.

Thank you guys so much, I couldn't fix the problem but seriously thank you for trying to help me out.

I don't know if this is of any significance but I noticed this broken pin on the motherboard!
