PC suddenly became lag with high and stable FPS


Mar 9, 2016
My pc suddenly became lag without changing drivers or settings. I can still play games like Far Cry 4 with high fps but I can feel there are still display stutters. Even opening My computer there are unusual stutter (ghost). The temperature on every component is normal and I have completely reinstalled gpu drivers. Please help me if you know what may cause this issue, thank you! And sorry for my bad English.

Hardware and system:
GPU: Sapphire radeon r9 390 nitro 8 gb
CPU: I5 4590 3.3ghz
Ram: 8gb
Mobo: MSI z97 gaming 5
Windows 7 64 bit system

What power supply do you have?

Because the ghosting you're explaining seems like it isn't getting enough power. (especially at startup)
Did these issues come about after you upgraded?
Or have you had your same components for a while, and it just happened?

For now, you can try reinstalling the GPU drivers, and try opening up your computer and making sure your GPU is socketed in nice and securely.

Hi, I have had same components for around three months and this just suddenly happen, also I tried to reinstall drivers and operating system but nothing seemed to help.The power supply that I am using is Cosair Rm 650 watt, which I just bought first month this year.
Do you think I need to switch to a better PSU?


And sorry I accidentally down voted your solution which I was not intended to.