PC suddenly dies; likely PSU problem. Help please.


Dec 28, 2015
Hello, I have a Corsair TX750 PSU and I read around and see that this PSU has a fanless mode whereby the fans will not spin until a certain amount of power is drawn/ a certain temperature is reached. However, recently, my PC has been suddenly dying - like a sudden power cut. I checked CPU temps and they were all around 40C, so that wasn't the problem (I have experienced CPU overheating in the past and this isn't it). But then I noticed that the PSU was very hot when the PC died so I started thinking that might have been the problem. Upon further inspection I saw that the PSU fans were not spinning, and even after the PSU was very hot the fan was still not spinning. I am wondering if this is the problem that might be causing this sudden power off of the PC. All the other fans are working properly, so there should be no problem regarding them. I don't have much experience with PSUs so I would really appreciate any help.

Yes it will it's plenty of QUALITY power.

Is there no way to replace just the fan in this instance then? This power supply is quite old, but it's very good. I'm planning to upgrade my GPU soon and really don't want to have to buy another another PSU at this point, especially not another one in this price range.
PSU components deteriorate over time, the fact its old enough for the fan or more likely fan controller to fail suggests its past its prime. I wouldn't risk a new gpu on an old PSU, the risks are too great.

If its the fan you might be able to replace it but I'd strongly recommend you don't take the PSU apart unless you know exactly what you are doing. The capacitors are able to store dangerous voltages long after the unit is unplugged. Chances are its the fan controller circuit which you won't be able to replace unless you can find the faulty component and are good with a soldering iron. Not something I could do.

It is quite old; I believe I got this PC prebuilt roughly 5-6 years ago. If its a 5 year warranty its probably past it.

Also thanks for the warning on not taking it apart. Would it be worth trying to clear the dust from the fan? I did not even knoe it had a fan for all these years so it must be quite clogged.

Also if I am to replace it, would you please suggest some good quality but not too expensive PSUs? I will list my parts in order for you to be better informed on how much power my system draws:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
Mobo: ASUS Sabertooth 990FX TUF
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6970 (very old, due for upgrade)
RAM: 8GB HyperX DDR3
3 Fans; one from Corsair water cooled heatsink

Thank you guys again

Depends on your location and budget
For around 80$ there are Corsair RMx, EVGA Supernova GS or G2, XFX XTR

A bit cheaper are Seasonic G & XFX TS or Super Flower Golden Green / Golden King

As cheap as possible would be the Seasonic M12II/S12II, the XFX Core or the Corsair CXM650 (grey lettering)

Do you think 650W will suffice for the upgrade of the GPU as well as my other parts?

Alright thanks for your suggestions that's really helpful in putting them into perspective. The PSU is very old so it doesn't look like it's worth trying to fix it, I will just have to replace it in the end I guess which will be a worthwhile replacement.

Okay I think I'll be going with the Corsair RMx 650, thank you all for your help. Looks like I'll be replacing my PSU after all.