Hello, I have a Corsair TX750 PSU and I read around and see that this PSU has a fanless mode whereby the fans will not spin until a certain amount of power is drawn/ a certain temperature is reached. However, recently, my PC has been suddenly dying - like a sudden power cut. I checked CPU temps and they were all around 40C, so that wasn't the problem (I have experienced CPU overheating in the past and this isn't it). But then I noticed that the PSU was very hot when the PC died so I started thinking that might have been the problem. Upon further inspection I saw that the PSU fans were not spinning, and even after the PSU was very hot the fan was still not spinning. I am wondering if this is the problem that might be causing this sudden power off of the PC. All the other fans are working properly, so there should be no problem regarding them. I don't have much experience with PSUs so I would really appreciate any help.