[SOLVED] PC suddenly reboots over and over in a loop ?

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Apr 14, 2011
Was watching a video and scrolling through frame by frame with mouse and suddenly PC rebooted. It kept rebooting
at the mobo splash screen, occasionally I can make it to windows login but it'll just reboot again in a few seconds to minutes.
No BSOD, no messages.

Here's what I've done:
-tested hard drive 100% health pass
-tested ram 100% health pass
-unplugged GPU power and the rebooting still happens so not GPU issue
-went into BIOS and SAFE MODE and in both the PC still keeps rebooting
so that rules out windows issue and most likely any software issue
-CPU temps all good, GPU temps good, fans all running, not water cooled

the only thing it could be left is PSU or Motherboard, or possibly some faulty
wiring that is shorting it. I dusted the system clean, checked the wires all plugged
in, but still keeps rebooting.

I don't know what else to do. I'm thinking it's the PSU failing and that's what might
keep rebooting my pc so ordered one and will replace it tomorrow and see if that fixes
the issue.

Any other suggestions?
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When posting a thread of troubleshooting nature, it's customary to include your full system's specs. Please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

In order to rule out your PSU as the issue, you might want to source(borrow, not buy) a reliably built PSU from a friend or neighbor and then try it on your system while breadboarded.
Gigabyte GA-250M...BIOS version don't know cuz it won't allow me to
stay in the bios long enough to find it...it keeps rebooting.
Windows 10 Pro
PSU Corsair CX600

sorry, I ruled out the PSU too. I was able to swap out the PSU
with another one I had in an old PC and the PC powered up fine
but the rebooting continued to happen even with this PSU
so it's not a PSU issue.

I don't know what I am left with? Motherboard issue?
got in long enough....BIOS version F9, BIOS date 04/10/2018

But I doubt it's due to an outdated BIOS. It didn't reboot my computer
ever before why would it just suddenly be doing it today constantly?
The fact that it keeps rebooting even in safe mode would indicate it's not a virus/malware (scan was clean) and not a windows issue since it reboots in bios even before windows splash screen. I had read some ppl said a faulty wiring causing a short can do this. I've decided to unplug the audio connector on the mobo and so far the computer has not rebooted again the last 15 minutes.
Ok just to update anyone in case you have the same issue. I was able to resolve the issue it seems.
I don't know exactly which of these did it but it has worked fine now for the past few hours no more rebooting.

1. if some screws might be shorting your mobo, i put black eletrical tape on it to prevent shorting
2. I changed out the CMOS battery with a new one
3. I reseated the RAM to another slot
4. I unplugged unnecessary things like LED lights for HDDs and Reset button, only left power switch
plugged in.

After doing these 4 things, the issue has disappeared.
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