PC Suddenly Slow down


Jul 22, 2017
Hello, so i built my pc couple weeks ago and it was great it can play my favourite title on my settings without any lag,and then Suddenly after a few weeks, it very laggy, and for reference, i played CSGO at lowest settings at 720p it delivers 250fps AVG, and after this problem it barely can run it at 30fps and lot of lag during the game, before i got this problem i switch between HDD several times, because i tried to fix my friend's HDD because he forgot his password and we end up taking it to the expert, so back to the point, after that i continue fixing Tomorrow, and then comes up a new problem 🙁 when i turn on my pc after that day, it overheats about 10 minutes then it shut down, before the problem came, i was checking the processor and the thermal paste that came with the heatsink, it doesnt spread, and then i spread it with my fingers and the overheating problem came..

My specs:
i5 2400 3,1ghz
Stock Intel heatsink
Gigabyte LGA 1155 Mobo
GTX 650 1gb
HDD 320gb 7200rpm (90gb left)
Windows 10
And all of the fans are working.

Please help me im desperate
So Recently ive been searching for solution,
after the few days i actually stopped thinking about my computer and then after a few weeks my friend bought my 320gb HDD and then he find out that the his pc get the Exact Problem as my pc, and then he returned my hdd and i returned his money, so in conclusion: If you get a similar problem do this steps:
1. Try to Re-apply thermal paste
2.get a new HDD
3.check your temperatures (it could be an overheating problem but in this case is not my problem)

few days later i go to school and then i see a lot of pc that not been used and then i see there is WD Blue 500gb 7200rpm HDD in one of them, and then i go to my teacher to ask if i can have it, She apperently doesn't know if all the parts are...
So Recently ive been searching for solution,
after the few days i actually stopped thinking about my computer and then after a few weeks my friend bought my 320gb HDD and then he find out that the his pc get the Exact Problem as my pc, and then he returned my hdd and i returned his money, so in conclusion: If you get a similar problem do this steps:
1. Try to Re-apply thermal paste
2.get a new HDD
3.check your temperatures (it could be an overheating problem but in this case is not my problem)

few days later i go to school and then i see a lot of pc that not been used and then i see there is WD Blue 500gb 7200rpm HDD in one of them, and then i go to my teacher to ask if i can have it, She apperently doesn't know if all the parts are working so i say 'its broken can i have it' she believe me and then i get a free HDD haha