PC suffering from bottleneck or just under perferoming??


Dec 11, 2017
Hey guys, I'm not a computer genius so I will just get to the point. I am not sure if my pc is underperforming while gaming or suffering from bottleneck because I have been getting unexpected low FPS during gaming.
Games such as : PUBG or Rainbow six

Spec -
Motherboard : B75 Pro3-M P1.40
Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU 3.40GHZ
Cache Size : 6144KB
Graphics Card : Nvidia gtx 1060 3gb.
Total Ram memory : 8192MB
- 4096MB (DDR3-1600)
- 4096MB (DDR3-1600)

Any possible solution please reply :)
Thank you.

Yes, I am using MSI Afterburner as my fps counter and its been given that my CPU is working in full capacity 100% while my Gtx 1060 is only on 12 or less %. [FPS for PUBG is around 10 or 11]
My internet has been on 22 ping so I doubt the internet problem.