Hello, Today i came on this forum in regards to my computer temperatures, I have an amd a8 6500 processor 8gb of ram, asus motherboard with crossfire x capabilities 500w evga psu, Most the time my idle temps are at around 36-40, under load they can go up to 59 (games like day Z) I have recently ordered a graphics card, Radeon 7870, http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125665&cm_re=radeom_7870-_-14-125-665-_- , i found on newegg refurbished for 149$ and my question was : Should i really be worried about this card over heating in my case? should i worry about peak temperatures with this card being too high overall in this case? whats the common temperature this card will reach idle and even under load? Thanks and sorry for such a long question i appreciate anyone who takes the time to review this and answer thanks!