PC to HDTV through HDMI scaling problem

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Dragos Costache

Jul 10, 2013
Hello. I have a Sony Bravia KDL-32P3000 LCD TV, that I use as secondary monitor when I want to watch movies. It's native resolution is 1360x768, but it supports resolutions up to 1920x1080 interlaced.
When I connect the PC through HDMI to the TV, and set the resolution to 1920x1080, the desktop's edges can't be seen and the text and graphic elements are blurry.
I read that this might be an overscan issue, but I didn't find how to disable this on my TV (there should be in the menu an option called Full Pixel, or something like that).
I would like to mention that if I connect a PS3 through HDMI, the image looks perfect at 1080i.
My graphic card is a nVidia GeForce GTX560 Ti, and I use the HDMI cable that came with the TV.
I hope you can help me solve this problem, 1360x768 isn't a very good resolution for a 32 inch "monitor". Thank you in advance.
Because a console is designed for this. PCs really aren't good with interlaced video, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe if you fired up a game, it would look just as good.


It's preferable to have the TV settings to something like "Just Scan" or "Full Pixel" or "1:1 Pixel Ratio". If the TV doesn't have any of these, then you should be able to find some scaling settings in the nVidia Control Panel.
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