So, I first built this PC around 3 years ago. Plan was to eventually buy a better CPU, and then buy some cooling. I kind of never did that.
So, for around 3 I treated my poor CPU like shit, had only one case fan (I was being very cheap) and always overclocked (because I thought I was going to eventually replace it). 3 and a half years go by, I end up spending money on music shit (404-SP, SL-1200 and a Nord Stage if anything's interested, 404 is so fucking dope) and never upgrading my PC.
Here's the list of problems. Since the very start I had random BSoD, and sometimes it would shut down entirely, but it was rare, it wasn't even under heavy load, it just happened. With time, this started happening more and more. Always thought it was the CPU, something about the OC, something like that. Another thing that reinforced this theory was some weird freeze where I could still click. This happened for the first time when playing FighterZ (Runs in Unity, it didn't immediately shut down my PC but after 30-60 minutes it would eventually shut down or do this weird freeze) but over time it started happening when just browsing and when opening Enter the Gungeon (2D game, definitely not intensive).
NOW, all that lead me to believe it was the CPU but I also suspected the PSU for some other reasons. First off, connecting an optical drive would make the computer unstable as shit, turning itself off while idling, around 30 minutes after being turned on.
But here's why I think it's the PSU, PC turns itself off while idling (so I doubt it's the GPU) and while the CPU it's under heavy use I never had a problem (Ableton, rendering on Sony Vegas, stress tets) BUT games like Overwatch would definitely turn off my PC after a few seconds. I would think it's the GPUs fault if it wasn't for the PC turning itself off when idling, and because games like Bully (so, PS2 era or so games) I can play with no major problems, it's when the GPU it's under heavy load that it turns itself off. But it's not that it fails to render, Overwatch loads all characters on title screen, it just shuts down after a while.
Today I used FurMark and it shut downs my PC IMMEDIATELY. If it was the GPU falling, maybe the fan or something like that, it would at least load, then shut down when it gets to a certain temperature.
I have every reason to believe it's the PSU, since it's not very good quality.
My question here is, you guys have any idea on further tests I can do in order to reduce possibilities so that I can be sure it's the PSU? I mean I would prefer the problem being MOBO or CPU since I will eventually upgrade into AM4 and I will have to change everything anyway, and the weird freezes I don't think can be caused by PSU, so I'm really looking for some second opinions and any ideas to reduce the possibilities.
tl;dr I think my shit PSU is dying any way to test it would be appreciated.
EDIT: Actually, the freeze thing MIGHT be the PSU falling to give power to SSD. I doubt that's that, since PSUs having less and less power over time is something that happens, but cables and connections have no reason to get worse. Maybe it's both the PSU and CPU, who knows.
So, for around 3 I treated my poor CPU like shit, had only one case fan (I was being very cheap) and always overclocked (because I thought I was going to eventually replace it). 3 and a half years go by, I end up spending money on music shit (404-SP, SL-1200 and a Nord Stage if anything's interested, 404 is so fucking dope) and never upgrading my PC.
Here's the list of problems. Since the very start I had random BSoD, and sometimes it would shut down entirely, but it was rare, it wasn't even under heavy load, it just happened. With time, this started happening more and more. Always thought it was the CPU, something about the OC, something like that. Another thing that reinforced this theory was some weird freeze where I could still click. This happened for the first time when playing FighterZ (Runs in Unity, it didn't immediately shut down my PC but after 30-60 minutes it would eventually shut down or do this weird freeze) but over time it started happening when just browsing and when opening Enter the Gungeon (2D game, definitely not intensive).
NOW, all that lead me to believe it was the CPU but I also suspected the PSU for some other reasons. First off, connecting an optical drive would make the computer unstable as shit, turning itself off while idling, around 30 minutes after being turned on.
But here's why I think it's the PSU, PC turns itself off while idling (so I doubt it's the GPU) and while the CPU it's under heavy use I never had a problem (Ableton, rendering on Sony Vegas, stress tets) BUT games like Overwatch would definitely turn off my PC after a few seconds. I would think it's the GPUs fault if it wasn't for the PC turning itself off when idling, and because games like Bully (so, PS2 era or so games) I can play with no major problems, it's when the GPU it's under heavy load that it turns itself off. But it's not that it fails to render, Overwatch loads all characters on title screen, it just shuts down after a while.
Today I used FurMark and it shut downs my PC IMMEDIATELY. If it was the GPU falling, maybe the fan or something like that, it would at least load, then shut down when it gets to a certain temperature.
I have every reason to believe it's the PSU, since it's not very good quality.
My question here is, you guys have any idea on further tests I can do in order to reduce possibilities so that I can be sure it's the PSU? I mean I would prefer the problem being MOBO or CPU since I will eventually upgrade into AM4 and I will have to change everything anyway, and the weird freezes I don't think can be caused by PSU, so I'm really looking for some second opinions and any ideas to reduce the possibilities.
tl;dr I think my shit PSU is dying any way to test it would be appreciated.
EDIT: Actually, the freeze thing MIGHT be the PSU falling to give power to SSD. I doubt that's that, since PSUs having less and less power over time is something that happens, but cables and connections have no reason to get worse. Maybe it's both the PSU and CPU, who knows.