As your video card ramps up from increased demand, it will draw more power from the power supply. The 980Ti requires a power supply that roughly can deliver 38Amps on the +12 V .
The power supply you have can deliver 53Amps, but this is spread across 4 different rails (pathways) instead of a unified power rail. Spreading the power like that reduces the load any single line caries, thus less heat. However, in devices that can utilize large amounts of power, depending on power supply configuration/circuit sharing, you can exceed the amount that a specific rail can carry. Depending on how your 980Ti is configured at the hardare level, and how your power supply is configured internally, you may end up trying to draw more power than any single rail can actually deliver. It Appears that your PS +12V has 4 separate rails, each capable of 20A max, but in total only capable of 53Amps on the +12V rail(s).
20x4 is NOT = 53.
f you cannot deliver required power, this can trip the system off or the overvoltage protection off. A power supply with a single unified +12V rail is generally more robust, as it has to be able to deal with that current all on one rail without sag
Your CPU is a high power requirement item as well, and can crash without stable power being delivered to it. This can be affected by power delivery, or overheating VRMs (voltage regulating modules).