Question PC turns on but it's a blackscreen after power outage


Mar 7, 2018
my pc turned on after it was sleeping while i was in bed and i ran to it and held the power button for 5 sconds it started a sound but it shutted down. The next day i was trying to turn on my pc and it showed the asus logo but after that there is an infinit black screen and there is an orrange/red button on my PC case. How can i solv this problem?
My suggestion it could be the harddrive that got infected after the power outage because there been many storys that computers break and such and since yours in coming on the psu is fine and the gpu so maybe its the harddrive. So start computer and try to see if you can go into bios!
i can go into the bios, i setted everything back to default, disabled fast boot and still isn't working..
update: tried putting windows 10 on an usb and if i boot the usb on a laptop it starts windows 10 installer but when i boot it from the pc it shows the windows logo and after that there is a blackscreen, nothing will appenar. no installer....