PC Turns on, but no display and constantly reboots (No sound, fans spin up then stop)


Sep 9, 2013
Hi, So PC turns on, doesn't display anything, Fans spin up then slows down as in if it was turning off, then spin back up. Feels like it's booting slightly then powering off and then back on VERY FAST.

This is a NEW BUILD. All parts are BRAND NEW.

I5 4690k
No GPU in atm.
Coolermaster 212 EVO
850W PSU

Any suggestions will be awesome, thanks.
Okay, to report.
No bleeps AT ALL.
Tower Will not turn off when attempting too via Power button on case, have to power off using switch on PSU (Not good).

Tried ram again, nothing, forgot to mention the Ram is G.SKILL 1600Mhz.
please no bumping. This is against the forum rules.

OK the reason you are not getting any beeps, at least in your pics, you do not have a case speaker hooked up. It connects just under your south bridge heat sink and is a 4 pin connector.

this is a case speaker : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812201032&cm_re=case_speaker-_-12-201-032-_-Product these usually come with the case but not all manufactures include them. If you don't have one I suggest purchasing one to help diagnose the situation.

EDIT: also you should turn the 2 top front fan over so it blows out the top instead of sucking in the hot air the other fan is blowing out. 😉
Fathers idea with the fans...

Sorry didn't know about the bumping rule. I have one somewhere, I'll try dig it out in a few hours, going to go back asleep until now. I tried one case speaker already maybe that was a broken one who knows! :).

Thanks for the advice I'll post back tomorrow when I've tried again.