Pc turns on but no display


Jan 24, 2014
Hi, everyone!

Obviously this has been asked a lot of times, but it hasn't answered my problem.
My pc is finally ready. Everything is new except hard drive (which is'nt very old either), Ram correctly installed, disconnected the graphic card, cleaned and tried again, tried the vga entry from motherboard. Everything turns on, robotic boot sound, but no display. I tested on my tv with hdmi and on monitor with vga cable, still nothing.

What are your suggestions?
Most of the time you need to install the GPU drivers before you can use it. So before you jump to the conclusion that your card is bad install the drivers, shut down your system, reinstall the card and see what happens. Also keep in mind that if you don't get a display with VGA cables try the HDMI cable.

Well, since this shoudn't even be hapenning. I found the problem. disconnected the gtx 1060 and connected the vga from mobo and it worked. I don't know if the gpu has a problem. It's from gigabyte
Most of the time you need to install the GPU drivers before you can use it. So before you jump to the conclusion that your card is bad install the drivers, shut down your system, reinstall the card and see what happens. Also keep in mind that if you don't get a display with VGA cables try the HDMI cable.