Hey guys, bought a PC from some guy on gumtree.
i5-3550 / radeon 6850 / 8gb ram, came with decent 24' monitor, keyboard etc. - Was a good deal.
EXCEPT. Came back and the second I put the computer on the ground the cooler fell off of the motherboard. So I bought an installed a piece of crap cooler just to check everything was working.
Basically what is happening is the PC just turns on for 10 seconds, the CPU fan / PSU fan move and then it shuts off again, about 3 seconds later beginning the whole process again indefinitely.
I've removed the GFX Card, All but 1 Ram stick, SSD and everything but the Power Swtich / CPU cooler on the mobo and it still happens.
I've tried shorting the CMOS with foil as for some reason it didn't have a jumper in the box or on mobo. I also tried removing and re-inserting the CMOS battery.
Everything stays the same.
No picture comes from the PC when I plug it in to my monitor / tv, it doesn't even attempt to send a signal, it's as though nothing is plugged in at all. This is true of both the mobo HDMI and GFX Hdmi.
I don't have another PSU to test this with.
Can anyone give me a suggestion as to what this might be and how I could go about fixing it?
The thing is the repair shops in Edinburgh charge £40 to install even a case fan, so I almost feel like paying to get this repaired is going to negate the "bargain" I thought I had. And to pay for someones time and find out it's irreparable anyway makes me want to just buy another CPU/Mobo.
I really don't know what to do with this thing. Hoping it's the mobo as at least that is a cheap replacement.
Note: I have seen similar posts to this but almost all of them didn't say if / how they actually ended up resolving it.
i5-3550 / radeon 6850 / 8gb ram, came with decent 24' monitor, keyboard etc. - Was a good deal.
EXCEPT. Came back and the second I put the computer on the ground the cooler fell off of the motherboard. So I bought an installed a piece of crap cooler just to check everything was working.
Basically what is happening is the PC just turns on for 10 seconds, the CPU fan / PSU fan move and then it shuts off again, about 3 seconds later beginning the whole process again indefinitely.
I've removed the GFX Card, All but 1 Ram stick, SSD and everything but the Power Swtich / CPU cooler on the mobo and it still happens.
I've tried shorting the CMOS with foil as for some reason it didn't have a jumper in the box or on mobo. I also tried removing and re-inserting the CMOS battery.
Everything stays the same.
No picture comes from the PC when I plug it in to my monitor / tv, it doesn't even attempt to send a signal, it's as though nothing is plugged in at all. This is true of both the mobo HDMI and GFX Hdmi.
I don't have another PSU to test this with.
Can anyone give me a suggestion as to what this might be and how I could go about fixing it?
The thing is the repair shops in Edinburgh charge £40 to install even a case fan, so I almost feel like paying to get this repaired is going to negate the "bargain" I thought I had. And to pay for someones time and find out it's irreparable anyway makes me want to just buy another CPU/Mobo.
I really don't know what to do with this thing. Hoping it's the mobo as at least that is a cheap replacement.
Note: I have seen similar posts to this but almost all of them didn't say if / how they actually ended up resolving it.