PC turns on than shuts off after couple seconds, guessing it's the CPU cooler or psu


Feb 21, 2018
So after having a broken pc for close to three months, trouble shooting finally allowed me to fix my pc by rma-ing my cpu and yesterday I installed it and my pc worked perfectly fine. I monitored my temps because I though my cooler might have something wrong but my CPU stayed cool all night while gaming. So....I get home tonight excited to play again and the power button on my case won't turn on my pc. I thought maybe a plug just came lose on the mobo so I open the case up to press the power button on the mobo. It turns on for like two seconds than immediately shuts off. I tried one ram stick, taking the gpu out and unplugging stuff and plugging back in. Nothing. First thing that went through my mind was a short so I took everything apart and put the mobo on cardboard and tried booting it up, still the same thing. One thing I did notice was weird noises coming from the CPU cooler pump. It sounded like fizzing or boiling water. Or like crackles. Also sometimes when the pc managed to stay on long enough the pump for the cooler would make a loud vibrating noise before the pc would finally shut off. I dont have another cooler to test or another psu. I am beyond frustrated as this happened right after I thought I finally fixed my pc after so much time. If you read this whole post thank you and I would really appreciate any feedback.
You don't need 850W to run that system. Even a 650W should be fine unless you're running two 1080 Ti cards. If the 850W doesn't work but another PSU does then the PSU is failing and should be replaced with a unit of similar or even less wattage. EVGA SuperNOVA 650 G2 would do just fine.
Leave your AIO on CPU, but connect a case fan to CPU_FAN header and try booting. If it starts then indeed the problem may lie in cooler. But if it won't start then something else may be the problem. What kind of problem exactly you had before swapping CPU?

So I think my CPU died before because it overheated. The CPU I just put in a day ago is a different one intel sent me after I RMA the first one. My pc worked fine when I put it in and I monitored my temps the entire time. I took my pc to a shop. Hopefully they can diagnose the issue. I was able to test the psu and it was good.
If your cooler is under warranty replace it. If not, buy a cheap air cooler like the Hyper 212 EVO and hope the processor isn't damaged by overheating. Processors almost never need to be RMA'd and are the PC part least likely to fail or have issues.
So apparently it was the psu not giving the dog enough power....it was a 850w psu....I doubt the rig needs more than that.
I7 7700k
16gb 3200mhz

Should I just rma my psu or get a 1000w?

You don't need 850W to run that system. Even a 650W should be fine unless you're running two 1080 Ti cards. If the 850W doesn't work but another PSU does then the PSU is failing and should be replaced with a unit of similar or even less wattage. EVGA SuperNOVA 650 G2 would do just fine.