PC Turns on, USB Ports not working.


Jul 4, 2016
GPU: Geforce GTX 950 2 Gigabyte Video Dedicated Memory
CPU: AMD FX-6300 Black Edition (Up to 4.2 GHz)
RAM: 8 GB Vengeance DDR3
MOBO: ASRock 960GM-VGS3 FX (http://www.asrock.com/mb/AMD/960GM-VGS3%20FX/)

Hey guys! Thanks for tuning in. I have a slight issue whereby my USB ports do not seem to power any of my devices. This all happened all of a sudden, when I plugged in my phone charger into the USB slot, without actually plugging the phone into the cable. Really strange. Afterwards, the computer ran fine, my Windows OS was still running, but my keyboard and mouse do not seem to be powered up.

It is worth noting that my computer is 9 months old, and has ran perfectly previously. Also, whenever I plug in my Mouse only, the mouse lights up for a splt second, and when i remove the mouse and plug the keyboard, the same happens. But when I plug the Keyboard and then the mouse, the mouse does not light up anymore, making me believe that this is some sort of Voltage issue...(?)

I tried restarting my computer, opening it up, resetting my CMOS options by using the jumpers, and removed the CMOS battery, and checked the cabling. I also tried using a PS/2 Mouse, upon the request of other threads in this forum, but had little success. It doesn't light up, not does the mouse function. Though the backboard isn't all broken, my ethernet light still lights up, and CPU fan and other devices work. Again, it works normally, just the USB delivering insufficient voltage.

I'm in deep need of assistance, anything could help. Thanks!
you could try to get a usb 2 pcie slot plate and connect 1 header to it (2 usb 2.0 ports) and see if they work from that connection, it is possible the chip controlling the onboard usb ports is dead.

something like this cost a few dollars at any electronic stores (USB Backplate)

newegg.com has them as 28cm 11" Motherboard 9 Pin Socket Cable to 2 x USB 2.0 Type A Female PCI Bracket https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4SR1WT9245&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-Accessories+-+PDA-_-9SIA4SR1WT9245&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlMXMBRC1ARIsAKKGuwiErYDj0xfZI5xYCmEMVSD6iwll0x40XMVJ_fejutBw6e8lAQucsZEaAjNuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
and your testing mouse and keyboard plugging them directly on to the main board (not front ports for example) ?
and your using 2.0 ports or 3.0 ports (black or blue)?
lastly, many people thing because they have 12 ports they should have 12 devices connected without issues.
the usb port power is regulated by a chip on main board if you overload it tries to compensate by dropping power to other ports.
that said;

I suggest you try disconnecting all external port headers from main board (if you don't know what I am talking about I will graciously provide complete information what to do just ask.) and only connect keyboard and mouse before your pc is on, then start it, ignore lights and such and wait until you get to the bios and try to use F12 or DEL keys to get into your bios, if this works , does your mouse work in BIOS ? does your keyboard ? (move about in bios with arrows or test some other way in selectors. esc without saving Bios, and let it boot to windows, doe the mouse and keyboard work? yes then one of the headers you disconnected is causing a short, if not, reboot and get into Windows Safe mode, does your mouse work ? keyboard? yes, then its corrupted drivers causing it.

alternatively if you try to get into bios and nothing works, then I would suspect the power supply, get a new one test if remains same problems, you might be looking at a motherboard failure.

Thank you for your response. I am testing the mouse and keyboard from the back panel's of my case, which used to work. My USB ports are USB 2.0. Your point regarding the idea of 12 ports is a good statement, however, I only used 4 maximum at the time, My Keyboard, My Mouse, My Bluetooth Dongle and finally, the phone charger that is not connected to anything :/.

Regarding your statement about disconnecting all external port headers from main board, I honestly have no idea. I do apologize since I am still new to Motherboards, so If you can please provide information elaborating, that'll be great. I did try connecting the USB Keyboard before my PC is booted up without disconnecting the pins, but my Keyboard does not light up (It uses LED lights beneath) My mouse or Keyboard do not work during POST or during the load up into the BIOS, which prevents me from accessing it. Thanks for your response, I really do hope it isn't a fried motherboard since It's brand new :/
what I am suggesting you try is to disconnect the 2 usb headers connector from your motherboard (do this when powered off)
they are both located side by side as seen in the red square of the diagram of your motherboard, you only have 2 to disconnect
then try booting again to see if the system usb work, if they do then shutdown plug only 1 header in and boot again if it runs, then disconnect that one and connect the other (either way if it fails to have usb connectivity when you connect one or the other, that header is bad and you stop using it.
it could be the header itself, the connector, the wire or even the related usb ports at the other end that are bad. give it a try and see.


Thanks for your modest response.
I found what you were looking for, which is here:

As you can see nothing is plugged, however, this is not new since I do not use those ports, as the Case's ports are USB 3.0 and the Mobo is 2.0, which is why I don't use those sockets. I used the back panels, which uses the following compartments:

Surprisingly, the top USB compartment is the same one for the Ethernet, which works fluently, and the LED lights work for it. Still, that compartment's USB ports and the one below it do not work. Here is some pictures of my Mobo and surroundings and if you'd like to inspect it and see if anything is wrong:

Sorry, I think there is some misunderstanding. There is no LED light connected to the USB. I was talking about the Ethernet indicator light, which is connected in the same area of the USB, and is working.
you could try to get a usb 2 pcie slot plate and connect 1 header to it (2 usb 2.0 ports) and see if they work from that connection, it is possible the chip controlling the onboard usb ports is dead.

something like this cost a few dollars at any electronic stores (USB Backplate)

newegg.com has them as 28cm 11" Motherboard 9 Pin Socket Cable to 2 x USB 2.0 Type A Female PCI Bracket https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4SR1WT9245&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-Accessories+-+PDA-_-9SIA4SR1WT9245&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlMXMBRC1ARIsAKKGuwiErYDj0xfZI5xYCmEMVSD6iwll0x40XMVJ_fejutBw6e8lAQucsZEaAjNuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds