PC underperformes and games stutter !!!


Mar 12, 2017
CPU: Ryzen R3 1200 no OC
GPU: GTX 1050 2gb
RAM: 8gb DDR4 2666Mhz
SSD - Samsung 750 evo 250gb
HDD- Hitachi 250gb
PSU: XFX 550w (had problems with it before - the PC randomly turned off and wouldnt want to turn on, got it replaced)
I'm playing TF2 and CS:GO and im getting low low fps(under 100) along with very noticeable stuttering which is very frustrating. The system is less than 6 months old the gpu and cpu never go over 55-60C. Any suggestions how i can fix this? Thank you in advance!
I actually do know about ryzen and i hava looked at performance tests and while dual channel is certainly better its not that big of a difference and i'm pretty sure that the stuttering is not caused by the single channel memory.