PC upgrade help


Jun 11, 2016
So before we start these are my current specs:
CPU: AMD Athlon X4 750K Quad Core Processor 3.4 GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7770 1 GB GDDR5
OS: Windows 10 64-bit

Now, I want to upgrade some parts for future games. I have around 750 USD that I collected, and I could really use a help.
Which parts should I upgrade and some recommendations? I would really appreciate the help. :)
Normally when you upgrade for future games, its your GPU so it can handle one side, and the CPU to handle the other. RAM is optional since you already have 8gb, which is imo more than enough for now. Oh, don't forget to see if your PSU is enough to power everything up. You can basically get a good GPU and CPU with $750, if your PSU can handle it that is.

I'm not exceptionally good at computer upgrading, barely even amateur, but that is what comes to mind if you just want to upgrade for better games. For better understandings between components, Anandtech is a good place for comparison. Better than Component Benchmark(videocardbenchmark, cpubenchmark, etc.) because Anandtech displays results of benchmarking on different programs and...
Normally when you upgrade for future games, its your GPU so it can handle one side, and the CPU to handle the other. RAM is optional since you already have 8gb, which is imo more than enough for now. Oh, don't forget to see if your PSU is enough to power everything up. You can basically get a good GPU and CPU with $750, if your PSU can handle it that is.

I'm not exceptionally good at computer upgrading, barely even amateur, but that is what comes to mind if you just want to upgrade for better games. For better understandings between components, Anandtech is a good place for comparison. Better than Component Benchmark(videocardbenchmark, cpubenchmark, etc.) because Anandtech displays results of benchmarking on different programs and settings. Component Benchmark just crowd sources their results, which isn't too reliable.
CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117561&cm_re=intel_i5_6600k-_-19-117-561-_-Product
RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231886&cm_re=ddr4-_-20-231-886-_-Product
Motherboard : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130871&cm_re=skylake_motherboard-_-13-130-871-_-Product
GPU : AMD Radeon r9 390 or wait for the rx 480 to launch 29th of June
You can also pick up a good cooler for your cpu to overclock it.
With these components you can run every game ultra settings,60 fps at 1080p

Thanks man. :) I totally forgot about power supply.
A move to intel skylake, such as a i5 6500 paired with a decent b150/170 mobo and a gtx 100 with 16Gb of 2400 ddr4 will set you back @$650 which leaves about $100 for a new copy of windows if you need it (the key maybe toed to the old mobo and not recoverable)