PC Upgrade Here


Dec 9, 2016
PC Experts,

I am not an expert on computers.This is my current build: (https://pcpartpicker.com/user/srinac/saved/). I am considering upgrading my video card and add another monitor (2 GTX 1080s and an Asus Rog Swift: http://amzn.to/2hnOoYV). In terms of performance, power usage (Power supply), and any other stability, would these upgrades have any fault with my build? I am planning on sli bridging the GTXs. In addition to, I am conflicted on the different brands or manufacturers and whom to buy it and which to buy (video card, founder and non founders). I've heard mixed opinions on the founder edition and non founder edition. In conclusion, I don't have anything superclocked, if this will help, I don't plan on superclocking my hardware.

Your build should be fine. However, you may want to upgrade that PSU, which is about the same price. When you say superclock, I asusme you mean overclock? If so, you will be able to, but I understand if you don't want to. Also, you don't NEED 32GB of ram, but if you alreayd have it, then no worries. Here is the PSU I recommend for you: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Nd4gXL/evga-power-supply-120g10750xr - It's about the same price, and will be able to handle everything you need.

As far as the brand, I would recommend getting something from either MSI or Gigabyte. They are pretty much the same, just some may have triple fans. You want to make sure your case can handle it.

Any downside to the EVGA, ASUS, NVIDIA, or GeForce brands [for the video cards]? I meant overclock, I confused myself. I am considering 2 cards to double the power, but going to the PSU. Will my current PSU max or borderline the wattage with the upgrades or does your recommendation offer something else? Just curious on why upgrading the PSU (probably stability or evening out the power).
Honestly about the GPUs, they are pretty much the same. Some have a SLIGHTY (a very strong emphasis) higher boost clock than others, but nothing to spend an extra $50 to $100. Don't get two cards unless you plan on running two or more monitors or even ultra wide. It comes down to warranty, and in my experience, EVGA delivers on that. Not to talk bad about the other brands (have an ASUS router and Gigabyte motherboard), but warranty is very important to me.

The PSU is there to give you some lead way. Your current PSU isn't bad, but mine just makes power efficiency better. You want to be able ot have nice balanced power throughout your system.

That is my plan which I should've added: dual monitors and ultra settings.
So these would be fine, in terms performance and power balance, http://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=08G-P4-5180-KR, the power supply you recommended, and the monitor?
Yes tht is good. However, if you are just running dual monitors, no need to go SLI. Here's why, if you are playing a game, the bezel in the middle of the two screens (even on that ASUS you picked) will be in the way, so you honestly, will need to just play on one screen. Does that make sense?


From the games I play, I can just put the games on one monitor. However, I don't have to enable SLI every time (during games) and have 2 cards to double the power at least. I see what you are saying, though.

Well, again, I believe one 1080 is enough to power it's way to play 4K. I actually ran a simple test. I was dusting out my PC, and decided to try an experiment. I hooked up my GTX1060 to my 4K. I ran benchmarks in Tomb Raider in 3840, and 4096 on high settings, and was able to get an avg of 25 FPS. I know that's not real-world numbers, but if the 1060 can handle that at 30hz, then i know the 1080 will be a walk in the park.

Okay, thanks for the help. I've talked to friend and decided to go with one 1080 with the monitor.