PC using a lot of RAM while idle

thats a lot, try doing a clean boot and see if it still uses that much - https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/929135/how-to-perform-a-clean-boot-in-windows - if its fixed, the problem is one of your start up programs, slowly add them to find out culprit.

Could be a memory leak in a driver. Download Process explorer and run it as admin (it comes from Microsoft so its safe)

the default view is tree structure meaning like your task manager screen, it will show what processes are under each service, but unlike task manager, it shows the ram usage of each part so you can see what is eating your ram/page file

Private bytes = actual ram usage << this is where you probably find problem
Working set = Ram + page file usage

thats a lot, try doing a clean boot and see if it still uses that much - https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/929135/how-to-perform-a-clean-boot-in-windows - if its fixed, the problem is one of your start up programs, slowly add them to find out culprit.

Could be a memory leak in a driver. Download Process explorer and run it as admin (it comes from Microsoft so its safe)

the default view is tree structure meaning like your task manager screen, it will show what processes are under each service, but unlike task manager, it shows the ram usage of each part so you can see what is eating your ram/page file

Private bytes = actual ram usage << this is where you probably find problem
Working set = Ram + page file usage

This page shows what all the colours and headings mean, link at bottom of it shows how to use it to find problems. You can right click headers and run an av scan from within the program.

Nonpaged pool is kernel memory which can't be paged out into the pagefile when Windows runs out of free physical memory. It is used by drivers to allocate memory which they need.
