[SOLVED] PC Using alot of disk space, freezing


Feb 8, 2018
Computer is Custom
Asus TUF H310 Mobo
Ripjaw DDR4 8GB

computer acts super slow ( Fresh install of windows )
i have updated all drivers, updated bios, disabled superfetch and all of that

when i try to play "rust" i get bad frame drops on low settings, when i try to change settings in-game it completely freezes, disk usage jumps up and memory usage is it 100% when i launch rust, brand new parts, everything is put together correctly, any suggestions?

View: https://imgur.com/a/bHdOyUS

Changed the settings to use all 6 cores on the CPU
Haven't played that game, but Google says 8gb is the minimum for that title. And that it's a 20gb install. What might be happening is that the system is having to load the game, as well as swap between the ram and hard drive.

Basically, if a system runs out of ram, it uses what's known as virtual memory. Basically a part of the hard drive is sectioned off as "virtual memory". So the system uses that when it runs out of ram.

Ram is pretty cheap now, recently saw a 16gb kit for under 50 bucks. So I'd start there.

May be advisable to look at a better gpu. If you are ok with used, RX 580s are going for just over 100 on eBay. Just purchased one for 99 plus shipping. When you look at new cards, that's probably they...
Haven't played that game, but Google says 8gb is the minimum for that title. And that it's a 20gb install. What might be happening is that the system is having to load the game, as well as swap between the ram and hard drive.

Basically, if a system runs out of ram, it uses what's known as virtual memory. Basically a part of the hard drive is sectioned off as "virtual memory". So the system uses that when it runs out of ram.

Ram is pretty cheap now, recently saw a 16gb kit for under 50 bucks. So I'd start there.

May be advisable to look at a better gpu. If you are ok with used, RX 580s are going for just over 100 on eBay. Just purchased one for 99 plus shipping. When you look at new cards, that's probably they neighborhood of the 1650 super.
Haven't played that game, but Google says 8gb is the minimum for that title. And that it's a 20gb install. What might be happening is that the system is having to load the game, as well as swap between the ram and hard drive.

Basically, if a system runs out of ram, it uses what's known as virtual memory. Basically a part of the hard drive is sectioned off as "virtual memory". So the system uses that when it runs out of ram.

Ram is pretty cheap now, recently saw a 16gb kit for under 50 bucks. So I'd start there.

May be advisable to look at a better gpu. If you are ok with used, RX 580s are going for just over 100 on eBay. Just purchased one for 99 plus shipping. When you look at new cards, that's probably they neighborhood of the 1650 super.
the thing is i've had multiple build run faster than this one, i've had like a 650 ( or something around that ) and 8gb of ddr3 and it ran like a gem haha