Question PC WiFi connection disrupted by devices connecting


Oct 9, 2011
I recently built a new computer and was able to connect it to the WiFi successfully. However, the new PC has an issue where the network connection gets disrupted when a new device connects to the WiFi. I have checked IP addresses and it doesn't look like any devices on the network share the same IP address. The disruption seems to only occur on the new PC. After resetting the router, the issue has not been resolved but it does seem as though different devices connecting now cause the disruption. Any suggestions as to how to resolve this issue?
Does it seem the wifi is disconnecting or is it more it appears connected but does not work well.

What could be happening is the other devices are closer to the router and are hogging the bandwidth. Generally this does not happen much any more since wifi has so much bandwidth....unless of course the closer pc are say doing a huge download.

Can you attempt to use the other radio band. If you could for example force your pc to use 2.4 and let the other devices use 5 they should not affect you. Many router by default set the SSID for 2.4 and 5 to the same so you would have to change it so you can force it to connect where you want.