Question PC will not post

Sep 3, 2024
Gaming rig will not post. Machine was working fine and all of a sudden just started going to a on off boot loop. it will power on all fans kick on for a few seconds then go right back off. It will do this over and over again until you kill the power. Long story short after removing everything other than one stick of ram finally got it to boot to bios. This was after about hour and half of just having one stick of ram in it and just trying over and over again so no idea why if finally started working. Then I added one stick of ram back and a time turning it off and back on after. put gpu and all the drives back in and no issues. I even wiped all the drives and re installed windows 10 from usb stick. No issues so I shut it down till i could have time to do the rest. Go to turn it back on and back to what it was doing before. Did all the above steps over and over again still no luck. Re seated the cpu and put new paste on to see if that would help but still nothing. Any suggestions of what it could be? Im thinking maybe powersupply but just strange it worked for a bit then back to dead. Here are the specs

Gigabyte GA-Z270P-D3 motherboard​

I5-7600k cpu

cooler master cooler

16gig ddr4 ram

600watt powersupply

This is what is all connected now. even unhooked front usb and all sata cables
Sep 3, 2024
PSU is EVGA not sure what model. PSU is probably 3 to 4 years old. I got all this off of someone else so not for sure about exacts on everything 1x16 gb ddr4 but have also tried whole set of 4 x 16 corsair trident one by one. have tried m.2 nvme onboard and 2 other sata hd offboard. All the componets are around 3 to 4 years old.
Sep 3, 2024
the whole thing is just strange that it worked long enough to get all the Ram and drives in. then format them all and install OS on it and sit booted up for hour or so. not to mention all the reboots required when setting up and it worked. then when i took back home it pooped the bed
Sep 3, 2024
yes would be graphics from cpu because i have uninstalled everything else. only cable connected is power cable to powersupply and have reseated the power cables to motherboard. it doesnt even try to get to bios screen. litteraly runs for about 2 or 3 seconds then right back off. then does that over and over again

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