Question Pc will not work with 2 ram sticks ?

Jun 21, 2024
Had my pc for over 5 years and always worked just fine, did a ram upgrade with what i thought was the same ram and now my pc wont boot with 2 sticks of ram. i always had 2x8gb and got another set of 2x8gb corsair vengance rgb but i have already seen that the ram versions are different and therefor will not work together. but even with my old 2 ram sticks my pc wont boot. have already tried 2 other cpu's and a new motherboard but it still wont boot. motherboard CPU and DRAM leds are on when 2 ram sticks are in. with 1 it works just fine....
could it be something is corrupted in OS? because it cant be the cpu since i tried 2 others and also have a new MOBO. the sticks also both work when they are alone in the system and also in every slot. with 2 sticks pc does turn on but will not turn on keyboard / mouse and gives me black screen.

PC Specs:

Asrock B550M steel legend

AMD 5600X

2x 8gb corsair vengance RGB

GTX 1660ti


Jan 3, 2024
Clear CMOS to reset your motherboard.

Use only one "kit". Kit is a defined and tested collection of "sticks". If you want 4x8Gb, you need a kit that can actually work as a 4x8 Gb. But i would not recommend 4 sticks, it's faster and simpler if you use a 2x kit, so in this case a 2x16 Gb kit.

Check the QVL for your Steel Legend: Steel Legend/index.asp#Support

Even if you buy the exact same 2x8Gb kit, and they're identical in every way down to the last molecule, you're still overlooking that they are 2x kits. I mean they are made of two sticks.

That RAM expects to work as 2 sticks in the motherboard, not 4. You got the new kit interfering with the old and vice versa. They are not made for this.

Sometimes RAM kits will work when mixed, other times it's the memory controller causing problems, not RAM. Sometimes it causes crashes in one game but not another.
Or it's the motherboard. Motherboards and RAM have to be compatible.

The only way to avoid memory problems is to always use a single kit that is compatible with the motherboard. That has been tested in the factory and passed, so it will work.
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Reactions: Roland Of Gilead
Jun 21, 2024
This motherboard? Steel Legend.pdf

Verify that I found the applicable User Manual.

Read/Review the entire User Manual to double check everything,

Especially the supported RAM and RAM configurations that are presented beginning on physically numbered Page 22.

And be sure check Asrock's website for any updates to supported RAM and RAM configurations.
Yes that motherboard, it does support my ram and so did my old motherboard but they both have the same issue, the ram works in other pc's so i dont think its the ram. bios is all updated cmos has been reset twice but no help unfortunately.
Had my pc for over 5 years and always worked just fine, did a ram upgrade with what i thought was the same ram and now my pc wont boot with 2 sticks of ram. i always had 2x8gb and got another set of 2x8gb corsair vengance rgb but i have already seen that the ram versions are different and therefor will not work together. but even with my old 2 ram sticks my pc wont boot. have already tried 2 other cpu's and a new motherboard but it still wont boot. motherboard CPU and DRAM leds are on when 2 ram sticks are in. with 1 it works just fine....
could it be something is corrupted in OS? because it cant be the cpu since i tried 2 others and also have a new MOBO. the sticks also both work when they are alone in the system and also in every slot. with 2 sticks pc does turn on but will not turn on keyboard / mouse and gives me black screen.

PC Specs:

Asrock B550M steel legend

AMD 5600X

2x 8gb corsair vengance RGB

GTX 1660ti
Hey there,

Run memtest86+ on all your DIMMS and in every config. So, 2 x 8gb kits. Then each module seperately, and indivdually. If youy have any errors, then one or more DIMMs may be faulty.

As suugested, mixing ram kits is not a good idea, and certainly not best practise. No one here would recommend that, as it can introduce to o many variables to figure out.

Stick withe one set, and test. Then swap over to the other kit. Then each stick one by one.