This PC is around 4-5 years old, the only older thing is a 1080 Ti GPU. The rest of the parts is a Ryzen 5 2600, B450 motherboard, and 16GB RAM.
Around a month ago, I went to turn on the PC and all seemed normal, yet no display. I then try to turn the PC off and turn and off again but it won't turn off so I force a powerdown from the PSU. From then on, the PC wouldn't even turn on when powered on. Finally I tasked myself to troubleshoot today, here were my steps:
1. starting off by simply changing the power cable. result: Pc getting power again but no post/display, not even any power to keyboard (no light).
2. Move HDMI cable to different ports of the gpu and monitor. result: no change.
3. Try different HDMI cable. result: motherboard logo appears with windows loading wheel, keyboard on, then back to no display, keyboard keeps working. When i then try and turn the PC off it either takes a bit of time or the PC just turns off itself after a minute.
Quite a confusing problem, since I found it weird that a change in cables appeared to be half the problem, but clearly there are still issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I would love to use my PC again!
This PC is around 4-5 years old, the only older thing is a 1080 Ti GPU. The rest of the parts is a Ryzen 5 2600, B450 motherboard, and 16GB RAM.
Around a month ago, I went to turn on the PC and all seemed normal, yet no display. I then try to turn the PC off and turn and off again but it won't turn off so I force a powerdown from the PSU. From then on, the PC wouldn't even turn on when powered on. Finally I tasked myself to troubleshoot today, here were my steps:
1. starting off by simply changing the power cable. result: Pc getting power again but no post/display, not even any power to keyboard (no light).
2. Move HDMI cable to different ports of the gpu and monitor. result: no change.
3. Try different HDMI cable. result: motherboard logo appears with windows loading wheel, keyboard on, then back to no display, keyboard keeps working. When i then try and turn the PC off it either takes a bit of time or the PC just turns off itself after a minute.
Quite a confusing problem, since I found it weird that a change in cables appeared to be half the problem, but clearly there are still issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I would love to use my PC again!