Question PC won’t boot to Windows, it's stuck on the ASUS loading screen ?

Jun 8, 2024
Hi guys. I need help with a gaming PC I built in 2019. It worked great until last week when i left it in sleep mode for the weekend. Came home and it froze for the first time on the Windows 10 screen after i entered my 4 digit password. I flipped off the power and restarted and now it won’t go past the ASUS loading screen. I couldn't even get into the BIOS until i looked up how to do it with an ASUS mobo by holding the power button down 3x in a row and then trying. I think it’s called a hard reset. Now I can get into BIOS but it takes around 5-10 minutes for the BIOS to load. Not sure if i need to do the hard reset every time to get into the BIOS but it takes a very long time for it to actually come up.

Ive tried changing the battery on the mobo and corrected the time/date but no luck. Had to remove the GPU to check the SATA cables to the SSD annd HDD but still no luck. Even used new SATA cables. I removed my HDD because im worried it might get damaged because it has a lot of family photos on it. The SSD is the main drive with Windows 10. Everything in the BIOS seems to work and the settings look the same as when I set it up but when i try to boot from the boot menu to the Samsung SSD 860 EVO 500gb drive the BIOS freezes. I really need help trying to figure this out because I have no idea what to do next.

I’m assuming there’s something wrong with my Mobo, SSD, or Windows. Maybe it did some kind of update over the weekend but I left it in sleep mode so not sure how that could have happened. I didn’t update the BIOS or change anything but something definitely failed. Maybe my SSD just died?

Update: I removed the ASUS CDrom drive so the mobo can only try to boot from the SSD and now the BIOS comes up immediately after restarting but it still won’t load from the drive. It’s a black screen that says: Reboot and Select proper Boot Device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key_

What should I do now? At least for now I can get into the BIOS without waiting so long but it looks like my SSD might be the problem.

Asus Prime z390-A mobo Bios ver. 1005
Intel i5-9600K 3.70GHz
Speed: 3700 MHz
Memory: 16384 MB DDR4 2133MHz

DRAM status in BIOS recognizes memory
Dimm A2: G-skill 8192MB 2133MHz
Dimm B2: G-skill 8192MB 2133MHz

CPU temp 30C
CPU core voltage 1.012 V
Mobo Temp 29C
X.M.P Disabled
Overclocking set to Normal

Storage Info AHCI:
Sata6g_2: Samsung SSD 860 EVO 500GB
Sata6g_6: ASUS DRW-24B1ST
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Do you have usb with win10 installer on it to try boot from and try repair option? Or access to another computer, family or friend, you could run media creation tool to set one up if you don't.
Jun 8, 2024
Do you have usb with win10 installer on it to try boot from and try repair option? Or access to another computer, family or friend, you could run media creation tool to set one up if you don't

I had a usb drive with win10 installed on it but that was made around the time I built this pc. I should probably dl the newest version correct? Unfortunately I only have an iPhone and iPad at the moment and will need to find someone willing to let me use their pc or laptop. I’m also considering switching over to Windows 11 and upgrading this PC with a Samsung 990 Pro 2tb PCIe NVMe. Do you think that’s a good plan?

I just need to get my PC back up and running so I can try to check the SSD to see if it still works. I’ll probably try the windows 10 repair option first like you suggested but will need to get it on a usb drive somehow.
Jun 8, 2024
If you have local store you can buy 990 pro for a reasonable price then just ask them to make you latest Win 10 usb and also another with Win 11.
Thanks for your help! I actually just looked up a local shop and plan on calling them this week. I think my local Micro Center will probably help me out if I buy the drive from them. Seems like my best bet at this point. Also when I built this computer I was planning on setting up RAID with multiple SSD drives but never got around to figure out how to do that. Not sure if it’s even necessary or possible if using different types of drives so I’ll probably do some research and ask the technician to help me figure that out. It looked too complicated at the time so I just stuck with using an SSD drive and added an HDD for additional storage. Just going to stay positive and take this time without my PC working to learn more. A lot has happened in the PC world since I built this computer and I need to catch up on all the cool things available now. Plus it’s forcing me to take a break from gaming and to be honest I probably need it. lol.
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