PC won't boot (please read)


Jun 24, 2015

To make it short. My pc fails to boot.
I had my hardware checked previously (motherboard,cpu,ram) everything ok.
After this i still had the same issue sometimes and found out it was the on and off switch in my case that was constantly shorted out. So i fixed that.
Today i'm having the same issue again.. and even when using a screwdriver to turn on my pc it won't boot. (so not using the on-off switch on my computer). Tested my psu with the paperclip test and it ran like a champ.

Once i try to boot i can hear my psu making a slight noise, but i have to listen very carefully, it's a very mild sizzling noise. But my computer won't boot ( no spinning fans nothing )

I really have no idea at the moment and almost rma'd my psu until i found out it works just fine.
Don't know what to do at the moment, i will put it all toghether again and give it another try.
Might it be an electrical short in my system? Or a bad CMOS battery? Altough this shouldn't affect booting my system apart from not remembering my BIOS settings?

I really hope someone can help me out here
That's true, indeed. I have to look a little further into it, the only issue tho is that i don't really have anyone who can swap it out for me.
Is it possible to completely test a psu with a multimeter?
Also not everyone has easy access to multiple parts... If i had another psu i would've tested that by now.

I'd suggest going out to a local computer hardware store and purchase one. For example, best buy or staples. If you don't end up needing it, you can make use of their return policy for a refund.

I still have access to an rma in my local hardware store, so instead of buying a different one i think it would be better to just rma it?? So they can check it.

I just put everything toghether for shit n giggles and it booted.. i just left most of the aio cables out, (from the case). I'm still testing some stuff tho. I really don't know whats going on

Test post after every individual part you plug in/install.

Everything is plugged in now, and i can boot my pc without any hickup....
I have mixed feelings about this, i don't like it when stuff just works or doesn't work without any reason. The only thing i can think of now is that there was something somewhere shorted out. No idea