PC wont boot up unless I take out CMOS battery

Jul 17, 2018
Hello everyone, I am having this very odd issue and I am trying to find out what is the cause of it.

I couldnt find literally anyone having the same problem so here I go.

After I replaced few components including my Mobo with CPU, GPU and new SSD in my older PC, the PC worked fine for some time. But then Windows 10 compulsory updates came and I had to install them (they automatically install after you turn off PC). The next day when I tried to boot up the pc it simply didnt work. It wasnt showing and signs of life whatsover.

After some time trying to find what could fix this I found that taking out the CMOS battery and putting it back in after half minute could solve it, and it did. The PC works perfectly fine after I did that so I didnt care what actually went wrong.

But here is the problem, I thought its just one time thing but no. Every time a new Windows update comes out the PC wont turn on unless I do the CMOS reset again. This has become quite a pain in the ass because the updates are quite frequent. So I am trying to ask here if anybody knows what could be the cause of this.

My build:
Motherboard: ASRock B75M
PSU: Fortron ATX-400PNF ( 400 W)
GPU: GTX 650 Ti
SSD Seageate Barracude 7200.10
CPU: i5-3570s
Hmmm, Its been some time from my last BIOS update, I will definitely try to updste it later and see if it helped. Just cant do it right now but I will keep you informed. Thanks for the help
You are right I made a mistake in my post. Its called. CMOS battery not CSMA, I work in networking, accidentaly wrote the wrong term. Already edited it, apologies.
So I tried to update my BIOS yesterday with no success.I downloaded the 1.80 version from this site : https://www.asrock.com/MB/Intel/B75M/index.asp#BIOS and continued with both options from their Instant Flash guide and neither of them worked for me. When I tried to Instant Flash via F6 it showed me the update file on my USB but error appeared saying “No image file detected”. When I tried the second option from their guide and went through the BIOS Menu via F2 it just went into black screen for solid 10 minutes and didnt do anything. I tried other version than the 1.80, I tried formating the USB multiple times, leaving the file there alone, or zipped, or in file. I tried multiple USB ports and still I got the same issue. At this point I think there is something wrong with my motherboard which wont let me even update its BIOS. I tried nearly everything from this older thread ( http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/312295-30-update-asrock-uefi ) but it didn’t help. Does somebody knows what could be the problem?