[SOLVED] Pc wont complete post

Jun 19, 2020
hey guys I could really use some help.
This is my first time building a pc and I can't get it to go through post. I have read through the boot problems checklist and done all of the steps. I currently have my system breadboard with just the cpu, cooler, 1 stick of ram, and psu.

When I turn on the pc on the ezdebug leds, the cpu light flashes white once then the dram has a longer white flash then cpu light flashes again and system restarts over and over.
At first I thought it was the psu so I ripped one out of an old system but still the same issue. Im stuck.
All the help would be appreciated

Mobo: msi gaming edge z390 ac
Cpu: i7 9700k
Cooler: corsair h115i platinum
Ram: corsir vengence lpx
Psu: corsair hx750
I noticed the problem upon first startup once I finished building. it doesn't have any other problems as far asi can tell but ive never been able to get it to boot so im not sure.
i have never gotten the pc to actually start. so that would mean it is the default correct? or is there a way to tell from the box?
There MIGHT be a sticker on the box with the BIOS version, but not everyone does that. Go through the CPU Support List to see if you can find a cheap CPU that is compatible with the initial BIOS version (A0). If you can get one cheap or borrow one from a friend, that would be best. Otherwise, you'll probably have to take the board to a local PC shop and have then update it; typically for a small-ish fee.

Note: The 9700K requires BIOS version A5.

-Wolf sends
I see that the release date for that update is 2019-04-01. Judging by my serial number mine is an 2020-04. Wouldn't it already have that update or would I still need to?