PC won't POST(go to bios) after installing a new SSD

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Mar 16, 2013
I was going to upgrade my desktop by adding an SSD. In the process I first formatted the HDD(the OS partition and the data),disconnected it from SATA port,hooked up the Samsung SSD ,did all attachments properly and tried to boot my PC from USB for win 10 install. However to my surprise the PC won' t even get into the BIOS and the display shows no signal. I have tried different Sata ports and the result is the same.The power led is on,but the HDD led . is not blinking,The processor ,GPU and case fans are spinning and there are no warning/beep sounds from the motherboard. What could be the issue? Please help
OK then it was just a matter of you bumped something in there, ram in this case. Glad to hear you are all set. Good luck and enjoy the SSD. :)
did you test the SSD before installing? there's a small chance it's a bad disk and the system won't even post when missing necessary hardware like disk, keyboard, etc.
try setting up the previous HD again and see if you get the same problem.

do you have another system to test it on? could verify if the SSD is functioning.
A motherboard will POST and enter BIOS if there is no HDD/SSD connected.

For kicks and giggles and a test, just remove the SATA cable from the motherboard side and see if it will post. This will tell us if the issue is with the SSD or somewhere else.

EDIT also go over all power connections and ensure they are all securely attached, Go over all the ram modules and ensure they are correctly inserted even take tehm out and reinsert them one by one to ensure. If the Flash drive is still plugged in, remove it and retry powering up. Ensure the GPU if you have a discrete is properly seated in the PCI-e slot.
usually. exactly why I stated "small chance". have worked on plenty of boards with posting issues due to very simple malfunctions such as this.
i would definitely check all interior connections then. there's a chance you may have knocked something loose without noticing or while handling the cables something was pulled loose.

i've never had problems with static discharge but builders are always warned to ground themselves before touching interior components. another small chance something may be blown. hopefully it's something much simpler.
sorry to bump this old thread, but my bro has just had exact same issue. put in a faulty ssd (attempt at data recovery), and the pc wouldn't post. Literally just checked all the connections, unplugged and replugged ram, and pc still won't post. Not detecting any signal from third party graphics card or onboard graphics card! If anyone has any suggestions i'm all ears! Hoping putting the faulty ssd into the pc hasn't caused some kind of short circuit/discharge to go through the mobo!
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