[SOLVED] PC won't start.

Jan 1, 2019
My PC was working nicely. A few days ago, it suddenly closed; CPU was off, monitor etc. was off. It hasn’t been working since then. I also replaced its micro lithium cell CR2032 with a new one. But the problem is same. It has suddenly turned off many times before then I repaired it. But I can not do it at present. Please help ASAP so that I can complete my project in time. Thanks a lot.
Without another adequate power supply unit it'll be difficult to find a cause for the shut downs.

What are the specs of the PC? If you have a CPU with integrated graphics, I would suggest removing the graphics card (assuming there is one) and try to boot up this way (connecting display to the motherboard). If you can get into Windows (again assuming), you could use something like HWiNFO to take a look at the voltage readings to see if there are any wild readings indicating a faulty power supply.
A family friend has his own repair store in my home town. At present, I can't go there.

When it suddenly shutdowned, I tried to turn it on again and again.

I have checked power cables too.

Thanks. God bless! :)
Without another adequate power supply unit it'll be difficult to find a cause for the shut downs.

What are the specs of the PC? If you have a CPU with integrated graphics, I would suggest removing the graphics card (assuming there is one) and try to boot up this way (connecting display to the motherboard). If you can get into Windows (again assuming), you could use something like HWiNFO to take a look at the voltage readings to see if there are any wild readings indicating a faulty power supply.