pc won't turn on.


May 1, 2018
Hello guys,

I have a serious question.

I just got me a new computer.

PSU: be quiet dark power pro 11
Mobo: Asus maximus X code
CPU: 8700k
Gpu: strix 1080ti
Cooler: 150i pro
Rams: g skill trident z RGB

My problem:

When I go work:

After turning my pc off I usually trip my mains ( power switch main socket on wall).
[When I come home from an 8 - 10 hours shift and trip the main wall socket and want after try to turn on my pc it won't let me. It takes a few attempts pressing the pc power button to actually turn on my system]

When I go sleep:

I turn pc off but leave mains on.

[After 8 hours of sleep Pc turns on normal next morning]

Haven't tested pc going to work and leave the mains switched on.

It's just acting weird if I turn off the main switch on wall socket for a longer period, if it's just for a minute or 2 the pc starts normal as well.

Anyone can help me and explain me my problem since I'm a bit confused with this. As everything else works fine, it's just when mains are off for a long time. I have to press the power button a few times to get the pc started.

Thanks a lot
most new mb in the cmos have brown out/power loss settings. most will default to have the person power cycle the mb. if it not the mb or and old bios issue. you may be seeing a power supply issue. with newer mb try clearing the cmos with the power off the mb. see if the mb efi will do a full reset.
sounds like a electrical household issue, can I ask why you trip the main ? why not use a power bar, and just turn that off if your worries of power surges, it will do the same as what your trying to achieve (cut power to pc) and not mess with house electrical fuse box

No you know plugs in the UK have on the wall socket a power switch this once I trip not my fuse box.

Sorry for the confusion

I never said I play with the fuse, why would I?
most new mb in the cmos have brown out/power loss settings. most will default to have the person power cycle the mb. if it not the mb or and old bios issue. you may be seeing a power supply issue. with newer mb try clearing the cmos with the power off the mb. see if the mb efi will do a full reset.

So after swapping as well my extension lead the problem remained.

After buying a new Seasonic Prime Ultra 750W Power Supply, Titanium, the problem is gone....

Thanks a lot.