Question Pc works fine until under load. Then, the audio distorts and pc shuts down by itself.

Aug 19, 2020
Hi all,

recently, my pc would start to have audio distortions when gaming, then, the pc would shut down by itself during the 20-30 min Mark. However, it works perfectly fine when doing normal browsing. I’ve already done a psu swap as it’s a pre-built but this problem has persisted. The pc passed a furmark test and a windows memory diagnostic without issue so I’m stumped as well.
If it helps, my specs are:
H310m as rock mother board
I5 8500 intel cpu
2666MHz adata ram
Gtx 1080ti msi duke
A pci e wifi adapter
Phanteks p400 case
Hi all,

recently, my pc would start to have audio distortions when gaming, then, the pc would shut down by itself during the 20-30 min Mark. However, it works perfectly fine when doing normal browsing. I’ve already done a psu swap as it’s a pre-built but this problem has persisted. The pc passed a furmark test and a windows memory diagnostic without issue so I’m stumped as well.
If it helps, my specs are:
H310m as rock mother board
I5 8500 intel cpu
2666MHz adata ram
Gtx 1080ti msi duke
A pci e wifi adapter
Phanteks p400 case
if it adds anything, I’ve tested with both a USB dac/amp and a Bluetooth headset and both have the same static noise during gaming, before the pc shuts down
If possible, open the case up and get a clear picture of the power specs label.

Unfortunately, some pre-builts REALLY cheap-out on the PSU.
I’m sorry to waste your time on this, just that I truly don’t have the tools to even open it... in addition, it’s a pretty trusty company who stress tested it over a night so they know the psu is fixed...
Maybe. Or maybe that's what they claim. Most cases only require, at most, a single phillips head screwdriver to open the panels.

Now, it's possible the issue is something else, but the symptoms you describe sound like a PSU to me. Did they play the same game on it at the same settings, for, say, an hour?

See if you can get them to tell you what brand and EXACT model PSU they used in there.
Maybe. Or maybe that's what they claim. Most cases only require, at most, a single phillips head screwdriver to open the panels.

Now, it's possible the issue is something else, but the symptoms you describe sound like a PSU to me. Did they play the same game on it at the same settings, for, say, an hour?

See if you can get them to tell you what brand and EXACT model PSU they used in there.
So from what I gathered on how they debugged, the ran a stress test for 3 hours before my old system crashed, then swapped out the psu and it ran for 16 or so hours until it was fine. As for now, they plan to do a motherboard change to see if it solves the problem, but I would rather have a better idea of what is exactly wrong before I go over again. Oh yea, they suspect it might be the mother board because I have had USB port issues on the front and back of the i/o.