PC works intermittently


Dec 20, 2016
Sometimes it'll work good for a few days, sometimes, it'll freeze randomly.
I wonder if it's the motherboard because i had some power outages a few times, even though the PC was on a surge, I don't know if it helped.

I'd just like to nail it down, because the only alternative is to buy new parts, since I have none i could test.

Sometimes, the system powers on and works fine. I can run games as long as i want, do whatever. I've left home, paused the game, came back, still running.

Othertimes, it'll just freeze. Everything, and I'll have to hold the power button to get it off and restart.

Then sometimes, it just restarts. It used to do that sometimes in the bios, then sometimes in windows. But, it just restarts, comes to the login screen and when I turn it on, it's there waiting on me to login. It's never actually frozen at the login screen, odd enough.

Specs are:

AMD FX-6300
GTX 750 TI
Gigabyte ga-78lmt-usb3
8 Gigs of Hyper Fury DDR3 RAM.

I'm thinking it COULD be the RAM, though honestly, i'd be happier if it was just the board.
Normally I'd test for the PSU first, as it would have beared the brunt for a power-surge first, and then the board.
But unfortunately, I met so many Hyper Fury Memory that died prematurely without any apparent reason, Me, like you, would start with exchanging RAM first in your very special case, and THEN check for the PSU. The MoBo is a possible cause, but among the three, the lest likely.
Unfortunately, whatever you do, it will take time to find out, as whatever is broken, it just works good enough to have your machine stable for times.
Taken that into consideration, investing money is risky, so you might consider talking to a shop with technical facilities first.
Your choices are tough. Sometimes hardware just failing completely is...
Normally I'd test for the PSU first, as it would have beared the brunt for a power-surge first, and then the board.
But unfortunately, I met so many Hyper Fury Memory that died prematurely without any apparent reason, Me, like you, would start with exchanging RAM first in your very special case, and THEN check for the PSU. The MoBo is a possible cause, but among the three, the lest likely.
Unfortunately, whatever you do, it will take time to find out, as whatever is broken, it just works good enough to have your machine stable for times.
Taken that into consideration, investing money is risky, so you might consider talking to a shop with technical facilities first.
Your choices are tough. Sometimes hardware just failing completely is much better... 🙁