Question PC wouldn't turn on at all yesterday. Does today. What could be the issue?

Amin Sabet

Jul 12, 2013
I built my son's PC a few years ago. He powers it off every night for no good reason. I told him not to do so, but he does.

Yesterday he pushed the power button to turn it on, and nothing happened. No signs of life. No lights, no fans, no nothing. I checked all the cords, made sure the PSU button was set on, tried plugging directly into outlet that I knew was working, and still nothing.

Today I was going to try changing the battery on the motherboard, and if that didn't work I was going to buy a new PSU or maybe just build him a new PC.

But this morning he pushed the on button, and the PC turned on and worked fine. He didn't unplug or replug anything this morning. He just pushed the same button we pushed dozens of times yesterday, but this time it worked.

What could explain this?