You have a budget and for your uses you won't notice a difference. Take the biggest SATA SSD you can afford. A Samsung can also let you have a little extra boost if you have enough RAM free with Rapid mode.

The slowest thing in your process is you. The processor is faster. The GPU is faster. The RAM is faster. At the speed you work, your files will magically appear in front of you fast enough that another couple of hundred dollars of expense on speed and possibly smaller size won't be justified.

If you want a more detailed answer you need to post your full configuration and the scope of your workflow to allow for more than, 'get the biggest cheapest amount of SSD you can buy'.
You have a budget and for your uses you won't notice a difference. Take the biggest SATA SSD you can afford. A Samsung can also let you have a little extra boost if you have enough RAM free with Rapid mode.

The slowest thing in your process is you. The processor is faster. The GPU is faster. The RAM is faster. At the speed you work, your files will magically appear in front of you fast enough that another couple of hundred dollars of expense on speed and possibly smaller size won't be justified.

If you want a more detailed answer you need to post your full configuration and the scope of your workflow to allow for more than, 'get the biggest cheapest amount of SSD you can buy'.